
Thursday, December 10, 2015


Last year Israel bombed Gaza to smithereens killing 520 children in the process. To rebuild their lives the people of Gaza need cement to rebuild their homes and other buildings. But guess what? Yarp. Israel has decided to stop entry of cement into Gaza!

And yarp, that is the same Israel that Donald Trump loves very, very, very much.

Israeli authorities have stopped the entry of cement into the Gaza Strip, the Anadolu Agency reported the Palestinian Ministry of Economy saying yesterday.

Deputy Minister Imad Al-Baz said that the Israeli decision was “surprising” as it was not preceded by any official or non-official notice.

After international mediation Israel agreed to allow cement into Gaza in order to let people whose houses were destroyed during last year’s Israeli war rebuild their properties. Israel agreed with the UN on tight controls on the entry of cement.

“The ministry was surprised that Israel stopped allowing cement in,” Al-Baz said, noting that his ministry immediately contacted the UN which said it is currently in contact with Israel regarding the issue.

Al-Baz described the Israeli decision as “oppressive”, noting that 30,000 citizens had applied for cement to build, rebuild or renovate their homes.

[source : Israel stops entry of cement into Gaza, Middle East Monitor,, 9th December 2015]

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