
Wednesday, December 09, 2015


The one and only real Donald J Trump is still going to Israel to meet Benjamin Netanyahu later this month, after recently calling for a ban on Muslim immigration into the USA.

Correct me if I am wrong, but didn't Israel kill 520 children in Gaza last year?

And didn't Israel run 9/11?

And haven't the wars since 9/11 benefitted Israel?

And wasn't the blueprint for the wars since 9/11 written for Netanyahu in a docuemnt entitled A Clean Break?

But what is even more curious and mysterious and disconcerting about this is that just last week Trump was on the Alex Jones show and said that he and Jones were going to be speaking a lot in the next few months.

Now I would expect Jones to have by now bombarded Trump with all the evidence that Netanyahu and Israel are behind all the violence on and since 9/11. Maybe Jones has but Trump cannot understand it. This is possible because Trump last week also stated that he loves Israel very, very, very much and thinks Netanyahu is a "great guy". But if Trump had been told by Jones and understood then I would have expected Trump to be as anti-Zionist as he is anti-Muslim. So far Trump has not called for all Jewish immigration into the USA to be stopped.

Unless Trump, now knowing the Israel factor in the violence, is still going to Israel but to kick Netanyahu in the nuts...

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