
Monday, January 11, 2016


On 11th September 2001, several passenger planes were allegedly hijacked, and then flown into the WTC and even The Pentagon. This act of terrorism provided the USA with an excuse to go to war on the world. But just a year before, an organisation called The Project for a New American Century had published a document calling for the USA to assert its superpower status and go to war on a several nations, namely Iraq and Iran, but recognised the need for a "new Pearl Harbor" to persuade a sceptical American public to support such wars. PNAC was overtly Zionist and on 9/11 several of its leading founding members were in charge of the suspiciously AWOL US military while President George W Bush was in Flordia reading an upside-down book about a pet goat to some schoolkids. PNAC interconnected with a bunch of Zionists who in 1996 had written A Clean Break for then PM of Israel, Benjamin Netanyahu, which called for 'engagement' of Israel's neighbours: Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon/Hezbollah. Shortly after 9/11 General Wesley Clark was informed of a planned for war and regime change in seven countries in five years. Those seven countries were Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon (named in A Clean Break) together with Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

After a brief diversion into Afghanistan to restore the opium harvests (not find an already dead Osama bin Laden), that plan has been implemented. We went to war on Iraq in 2003 based on a pack of lies, and Israel engineered a war on Lebanon in 2006 (and lost!). So by 2007 that plan was moribund.

To inject some life into that plan, the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia agreed that the latter would unleash the worst international cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Lebanon and Iran (named in A Clean Break). This was reported by Seymour Hersh in The Redirection which was published in The New Yorker Magazine in March 2007. However, these Jihadis were first unleashed onto Libya (named to Clark), and were given cover as 'freedom fighters' by the US State Department-engineered Arab Spring. For whatever reason Russia and China abstained on UN SCR 1973, but within days of NATO implementing that resolution there were calls to get Gaddafi. UN SCR was supposed to protect civilians by implementing a No Fly Zone. But the 'civilians' being protected by NATO were actually al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb, and they were assisted on the ground by British Special Forces. Eventually, with NATO as their air force, and with advice and assistance from special forces from Great Britain and some Gulf states, as well as their finance, Gaddafi was indeed 'got'.

And after Gaddafi's murder those Jihadis were smuggled into Syria, along with Libya's weapons (including chemcials as reported by the OPCW recently).

But why would the apparent sworn enemies Saudi Arabia and Israel gang up on these nations, to cause all this violence and bloodshed and headchopping?

For some insight, it is useful to understand where these two nations, Israel and Saudi Arabia, come from.

Israel was given to the Zionists during WW1 when Zionists suggested that, as at the time Great Britain was close to defeat in WW1, they could bring the isolationist USA into the war on the side of Great Britain. The payment for this would be Palestine.

A history of the subsequent backstabbing and manipulation by Great Britain over Palestine for the Zionists can be found here, and includes a good description of how and why Saudi Arabia was created.

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