
Saturday, May 14, 2016


Ayn Rand believed in selfishness.

Ayn Rand supported the forced removal of native Americans.

Ayn Rand supported the forced removal of the Palestinians to make way for Israel.

But what was Rand's opinion of JFK?.

Rand wrote an article entitled J.F.K.—High Class Beatnik? that was published on 1st September 1960 in the magazine Human Events. Rand criticises JFK for not being 'American', though what Rand specifies 'American' is we do not know.

However, Rand exposes herself with this:
“All over the world,” he says, “particularly in the newer nations, young men are coming to power—men who are not bound by the traditions of the past—men who are not blinded by the old fears and hates and rivalries—young men who can cast off the old slogans and the old delusions.”

Young men like Castro—or Nasser—or Lumumba?

There are no young men anywhere in today’s world who are coming to power to establish a system of political freedom. But there are many varieties of ambitious, power-lusting young statists of the Communist-Fascist kind, who have no political program save the use of violence, and no system, save the rule of brute force.

Just over 3 years after this was published, JFK had his head blown to bits by a cabal of "ambitious, power-lusting young statists of the Communist-Fascist kind", who used "violence" and "brute force" in a coup that led to the Vietnam War and the deaths of 3 million Vietnamese, mostly civilians bombed by the Yoonited States Air Force. It is strongly suspected that the reason why JFK was assassinated was to install LBJ who immediately reversed JFK's decision to pull the USA out of Vietnam.

I cannot find a quote on how Rand reacted to JFK's assassination.

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