
Saturday, May 14, 2016


Bernie Sanders says:

In contrast, Donald Trump said in 1993 to the Congress about Native Americans:
What you're going to have is, you're going to have the biggest organized crime problem in the history of this country. Al Capone is going to look like a baby.

...To sit here and listen as people are saying that there's no organized crime, that there's no money-laundering, that there's no anything, and that an Indian chief is going to tell “Joey Killer” to please get off his reservation, is almost unbelievable to me.

...It's going to blow. It's just a question of time, and when it blows you are going to have a lot of very embarrassed faces sitting right where you folks are sitting right now. Thank you very much.

Yep. Lyin' Sleazy Don, whose mentor was a lawyer for the mob in New York, and who also procured children for a CIA satanic cult and for paedophile entrapment rings to collect blackmail material for the CIA, whines about Native Americans and organised crime, suggesting that gambling operations of Native Americans (which is legal) would be infiltrated by the mob. And when that projected scandal broke all hell would break loose.



No such infiltration occured and thus no such scandal broke.

And in fact, it is Lyin' Sleazy Don who has the mob connections when it comes to gambling. For it was Lyin' Sleazy Don who bought into the CIA/mob money-laundering front Resorts International, which Donald somewhow drove into bankruptcy, but lived to tell the tale after being bailed out by Alan Greenspan.

One wonders what debt Donald has yet to pay to the CIA/mob for that? What did Lyin' Sleazy Don promise to the CIA/mob for not being taken for a swim wearing concrete boots in the middle of the Pacific Ocean?

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