
Monday, August 28, 2017


A Bulgarian journalist has been fired from her former newspaper employer, Trud, for exposing how the CIA and other foreign intelligence agencies have been using an Azerbaijan state airline, Silk Way Airlines, to transport weapons to Syria which have ended up in the hands of Islamic State.

Guess who is involved?


Israel and Saudi Arabia.

A months-long investigation which tracked and exposed a massive covert weapons shipment network to terror groups in Syria via diplomatic flights originating in the Caucuses and Eastern Europe under the watch of the CIA and other intelligence agencies has resulted in the interrogation and firing of the Bulgarian journalist who first broke the story. This comes as the original report is finally breaking into mainstream international coverage.

...The Bulgaria-based journalist obtained and published dozens of secret internal memos which were leaked to her by an anonymous source as part of the report. The leaked documents appear to be internal communications between the Bulgarian government and Azerbaijan's Embassy in Sofia detailing flight plans for Silk Way Airlines, which was essentially operating an "off the books" weapons transport service (not subject to inspections or tax under diplomatic cover) for the US Special Operations Command (USSOCOM), Saudi Arabia, Israel, Germany, Denmark, and Sweden. Silk Way Airlines has been the subject of other recent investigations involving weapons supplies for the Saudi war on Yemen. In addition, the military monitoring site Balkan Insight has exposed similar weapons cargo flights in and out of neighboring Serbia.

[source : Journalist Interrogated, Fired For Story Linking CIA And Syria Weapons Flights, Zero Hedge,, 28th August 2017]

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