
Monday, August 28, 2017


Bomber Trump is doing his slow striptease act to reveal that he is in fact a full pro-Israel Neocon.

He may well have stopped some aid to some rebels in Syria, but he is now building bases in Syria.

And at AIPAC 2016 he took the knee and vowed to the Zionists that one of the first things he would do as POTUS would be to rip up the P5+1 deal with Iran. Indeed, Bomber Trump's son told New York radio station AM970 The Answer that it was not to make America great again but that deal which convinced Bomber Trump to run for President:

The U.S.-led nuclear agreement with Iran last year was a deciding factor that compelled Donald Trump to jump into the race for president, the billionaire’s son, Eric Trump, said in a radio interview on Sunday.

“I think, honestly, the Iran nuclear deal was one of the things that made him jump into the race,” Trump told New York’s AM 970 The Answer radio. “I think that was a game changer for him.”

“That is when he finally said, ‘Kids, I am going to it. I am going to give this a real shot,’” Trump continued.

[source : Eric Trump: Obama’s Iran Deal Drove My Father to Run for President, Breitbart,, 29th May 2016]

Now, in a move depressingly similar to that of the Bush administration pre-Iraq war 2003, Bomber Trump is demanding evidence that Iran is in violation of the conditions of that deal.
US intelligence officials are under pressure from the White House to produce a justification to declare Iran in violation of a 2015 nuclear agreement, in an echo of the politicisation of intelligence that led up to the Iraq invasion, according to former officials and analysts.

The collapse of the 2015 deal between Tehran, the US and five other countries – by which Iran has significantly curbed its nuclear programme in return for sanctions relief – would trigger a new crisis over nuclear proliferation at a time when the US is in a tense standoff with North Korea.

Intelligence analysts, chastened by the experience of the 2003 Iraq war, launched by the Bush administration on the basis of phoney evidence of weapons of mass destruction, are said to be resisting the pressure to come up with evidence of Iranian violations.

“Anecdotally, I have heard this from members of the intelligence community – that they feel like they have come under pressure,” said Ned Price, a former CIA analyst who also served as a national security council spokesman and special assistant to Barack Obama. “They told me there was a sense of revulsion. There was a sense of déjà vu. There was a sense of ‘we’ve seen this movie before’.”

[source : White House 'pressuring' intelligence officials to find Iran in violation of nuclear deal, The Guardian,, 28th August 2017]

Iran is 'the big one'.

Iran was named in A Clean Break.

Iran was named in PNAC's Rebuilding America's Defenses as the biggest threat to US national security.

Iran was named to General Wesley Clark shortly after 9/11 as one of seven nations to be targeted for war and regime change, and of those seven is the only one to not have been targeted, not yet anyway.

After years of expressing his opposition to the war in Afghanistan, The War Party just convinced Trump into going back to the future in Afghanistan.

He won't need any convincing over Iran. He's already locked and loaded for that.

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