
Wednesday, December 05, 2018


This war started in the early summer of 1998. That's when the zapping began. At first it was just a very gentle clicking sound once a night just as I was about to fall asleep, but it was enough to stop me falling asleep for another hour or so as my brain settled down from a gentle EM perturbation. This persisted during the summer of 1998. In September of that year I moved away to begin postgraduate study, and I don't remember it happening during that academic year, I assume because I was living in halls of residence which were always full.

I completed my studies, gained a good job and started work. Then the clicking started again in exactly the same circumstances of just as I was about to fall asleep, stopping me from falling asleep. The difference is that instead of just once a night it was several times a night but not every night.

Over the next few years this zapping increased in frequency and aggression, so that some nights I would only get 1 hour of unbroken sleep. A typical night would be zapped twice just as I was about to fall asleep (losing 2 hours of sleep), then allowed to fall asleep but then zapped after about 3 hours of unbroken sleep to wake me up, then zapped twice to stop me falling asleep again (again losing 2 hours), then allowed to fall asleep for an hour or 2 before being zapped awake again. The recommendation is for 8 hours sleep per night, and at least 4 hours of unbroken sleep to have any kind of useful sleep.

Sometimes the zapping induced terror by producing very aggressive sounds of a shotgun being fired, or an aggressive German Shepherd dog barking and growling, even though no gun was fired and no German Shepherd dog was anywhere near.

So you can imagine how much sleep I lost and how it affected everything. I was very lucky I could work from home.

But the worst was when I actually felt the membranes in my skull vibrating for seconds at a time as well as hearing the rasping/buzzing/fizzing sound that those vibrations produced.

Then in March 2005 it stopped.

A few weeks later I was told I was being made redundant.

The lasting physical effects of this EM harrassment are a twitch/spasm in the my neck that I didn't have before the zapping began in 1998.

Coz that's the 'beauty' of these EM weapons. All the damage is internal. I think what they were trying to do was alter my DNA so that I wouldn't be able to fall asleep ever again. But they failed. And this why they want me dead. Coz I survived. Many others didn't and committed suicide, or were 'disappeared', or went mad not understanding what was happening to them, or murdered.

So, why me?

I have my ideas as to why. I suspect a combination of possibilities, one of which is that I had been and was researching JFK, UFOs, Vietnam War, etc, from 1992 onwards, was very anti-war, and held left to mid left politics (left of Labour but not Communist), but other aspects of my life probably contributed to the decision to zap me.

Anyway, because I lost my job and couldn't find another in the area my house was in I was forced to sell-up and moved away to do something completely different.

But it was this that led to me deciding that I wanted to get the banks into court to prove we owe them nothing because they create money out of nothing.

I started a PhD in Mathematics, but I was more interested in financial and banking law, particularly during my 1st year.

I was awarded my PhD and started teacher training. It was then that I met someone who had the perfect experience to help me in my personal anti-bank war. I gave them lots of my work for free (and without rejection or protest) to persuade them to help me. But they didn't even say thanks. I then asked multiple times politely for their help. Nothing. So I asked multiple times politely that my work be deleted. But it wasn't.

So I got angry. As most would, having been zapped for nearly 7 years and being treated like a piece of shit by someone who could and should have helped to get the banks into court to prove we owe them nothing.

And it turns out that all along Watson and Icke were spying on me, letting it all happen.

Also turns out that my codes and ideas are being/have been stolen by U S Military Intelligence assets and their beguiled dupes.

Well, it ain't gonna happen.

I was zapped for 7 years.

I asked politely several times for help, and then for my work to be deleted.

I was living in one of the most anti-war houses not just in the UK but in the world.

And while there I was spied on for years by Watson (who it turns out is a U S Military Intelligence agent).

So I'm not agreeing to my codes and ideas being stolen.

No fucking way!

Who would have the capacity to build and use microwave weapons? U S Military Intelligence.

Who would be interested in spying on me, a victim of such weapons, while I also lived in one of the most anti-war houses not just in the UK but in the world? U S Military Intelligence.

Who now employs an agent (Anti-Christ Jud-a$$ Watson) who is stealing my codes and ideas? U S Military Intelligence.

You lot really don't get it, do you?

Read my lips. No. No. No.

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