
Wednesday, December 05, 2018


1. didn't Trump bomb civilians in Syria after tweeting Obama dozens of times to get out of Syria?
2. hasn't Trump sold out (just like you) to the network that did 9/11 and runs paedophile networks?
3. didn't Trump host underage sex parties where sleazy old men would, like many Asian sex gangs in the UK, provide underage white teenage girls with drink and drugs offering these poor deluded girls the prospect of lucrative modelling contracts in return for sex? So what happened? Clue: the sleazy old men (President Trump included) had their wicked, wicked way with the young, drugged up girls, and those modelling contracts never materialised. Meanwhile, Trump married a model 26 years younger than him and is now President of the United States of America, allied with 9/11-perps Israel and the Saudis, and slashing taxes for the rich.

Hmm. I wonder who financed Trump and got their illegal networks to back Trump...

Maybe, just maybe, it was the extreme rightist Zionist network that backed Trump?

If Bernie Sanders had deliberately drugged young girls for sex, what do you think would be headline news? For weeks, if not months?

Sanders is not the ideal candidate but Infoturds argued that Trump was.

Turns out that Infoturds and Trump both work for U S Military Intelligence.

So, yep. Orange man is bad.

Orange man is very, very bad.

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