
Thursday, December 06, 2018


He's an agent of U S Military Intelligence.

He became POTUS because the rightist Zionist intelligence network's support for him.

He conned the U S electorate on three statements:
1. he would bomb the shit out of ISIS;
2. he would lock Hillary Clinton up;
3. he would slash the national debt.

He has bombed ISIS (though whether he bombed the shit out of them is up for debate), but he has also killed a hell of a lot of civilians too.

He has done nothiing to lock Hillary Clinton up, despite saying live on TV during a debate with her that he would begin a criminal investigation of her (which he has not). And at his inauguration lunch he actually praised her and Bill!!

So now to the national debt.

He doesn't care about the national debt because he won't be here when it becomes critical.

Donald Trump is reportedly refusing to tackle the US’s spiralling national debt because he will not be in office by the time the situation is expected to reach a crisis point.

White House staff are thought to have repeatedly urged the president during his time in office to work on reducing the now $21.8 trillion (£17.1 trillion) America owes its creditors.

Officials had attempted to warn Mr Trump during a meeting in early 2017 that debt could spike further in the coming years.

However, the president is said to have been indifferent once he realised the problem was only likely to become critical after he had completed a possible second and term.

“Yeah, but I won’t be here,” Mr Trump remarked, a source who had been in the room at the time told The Daily Beast.

Total fake.

He sold out, like Infowars, to the rightist Zionist network that did 9/11 and runs paedophile networks, who only care about massive profits from mass death, being extremely rich, and having a massive military to bully and spy on (and zap) everyone when necessary.

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