
Thursday, September 26, 2019


It's gonna involve the mob/CIA/US Military Intelligence (all one thing in reality).

It's gonna involve the alternative media, a branch of which will be extreme rightist U S Military Intelligence propaganda merchants.

And then there's one teacher I knew. And her family. And her friends and their friends, etc. I asked them all many times and each time very politely to delete some work of mine I sent for free, but they didn't. So they can all fuck off!!!!

And then there's the university, who didn't protect me at all from this bloodthirsty mob/CIA network and actually sucked their you-know-what. So they can all fuck off!!!!

It is going to get ugly. Very ugly. Very, very ugly.

I'm sad. I didn't want it this way. All I wanted was a little legal help and guidance on how to proceed on destroying the current financial system. Instead I was treated like a piece of shit.

But that's the way it's gonna be coz of a deeply mobbed-up family in North West England who care only about themselves and nobody else.

Why else did they refuse to help?

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