
Friday, September 27, 2019


He made his name and fortune from 9/11.

He wrote a book about 9/11 and blamed it on intels, particularly on US intels. There's even a chapter in that book entitled Pax Americana which proposes that 9/11 was done to expand American hegemony over the world!

He got a job at Infowars, the most successful (and lucrative) conspiracy theory websites.

For the rest of the 2000s and into the early 2010s Infowars flogged the idea that 9/11 was an inside job and all war and terror and everything bad is due to this entity called The New World Order consisting of The United States/Israel/Saudi Arabia/British Monarchy/intels/banks/Bilderberg/CFR/Skull & Bones, etc.

But then it all changed.

Donald Trump announced he wanted to become President of the United States of America.

Trump is a product of the extreme rightist Zionist mob network. His "greatest friend" was Roy Cohn who ran paedophile networks for the CIA. You can't get much more 'deep state' than that!

When Trump announced he wanted to become President of the United States a man called Roger Stone began to appear on Infowars. Stone, Trump and Cohn were great friends. Stone promoted Trump to the Infowars demographic. But Stone is sinister and is a fixer for the rightist globalists. Stone helped to engineer 9/11 by getting George W Bush into The White House where W was surrounded by founding and senior members of PNAC. Stone also helped to engineer the financial crisis of 2007/8.

With Stone Infowars then completely changed from blaming everything bad on the New World Order to blaming everything bad on leftists, mooslims and immigrants.

Turns out that Infowars and Trump himself are actually agents of U S Military Intelligence!! Alex Jones' late uncle even ran death squads in Guatemala for the CIA/Pentagon!

And where were U S Military Intelligence on 9/11?


Alleged hijacked passenger planes were flying around in US airspace for hours and flying into the WTC and even the freakin' Pentagon! And U S Military Intelligence just watched and laughed.

Since becoming POTUS Trump has sold out to the perps of 9/11 (Israel and Saudi Arabia), slashed taxes for corporations and super rich, and plunged the USA into $2.5 trillion more debt while boosting military spending.

Meanwhile, Paul Joseph Watson has left Infowars and has created a news outlet called Summit News.

But 6 months later and Watson is still blaming everything bad on leftists, mooslims and immigrants, barely mentions 9/11 (except to smear Ilhan Omar), hangs out with extreme right Zionist thugs like Tommy Robinson and mega Zionists like Ezra Levant, and last week even tweeted that he loves Israel!

And not only that, he has manipulated many people and is still manipulating them for his benefit and that of his employers U S Military Intelligence (and possibly Mossad).

If there is one image to sum up Watson then it's that of the falling man on 9/11, who rather then be slowly roasted alive threw himself from one of the top floors of the burning WTC and plunged to this death.

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