
Saturday, February 01, 2020


Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones made a small fortune from blaming 9/11 and all terror after 9/11 on CIA/FBI-controlled Islamic terrorists.

But after Trump decided to run for Prez in 2015, and his mate Roger Stone appeared on Infowars to promote Trump to the deluded Infowars demographic, Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones now blame 9/11 and all terror on leftists, muslims and immigrants. In fact, the only time that either mention 9/11 now is to refer to Ilhan Omar's quote that on 9/11 "somebody did something".

So why would Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones make such a drastic change?

Coz extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence, who were AWOL on 9/11 but were/are very keen to plan and execute wars for Israel after 9/11, recently assassinating Iran General Soleimani which almost provoked war between the USA and Iran. Soleimani was perhaps the key inividual fighting the Anglo-American-Zionist empah creation, Islamic State.

So, in summary: the trans-atlantic slave trade, the Confederacy, WW1, WW2, Communism, Nazism, the holocaust, and 9/11 and the subsequent wars, and Islamic terrorism were all engineered by privileged white men.

Most muslim terrorists, if not all, were CIA/FBI/U S Military Intelligence, all of whom were AWOL on 9/11.

Guess who Paul Joseph Watson and Alex Jones now defend and promote?

Yep. The U S intels.

Coz they all sold out.

Here's what an American non-Muslim is like. A

American Psycho anyone?

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