
Sunday, November 26, 2023


Tommy Robinson is a traitor. A traitor to the UK and to the human race.

Yes, his expose of Muslim paedo gangs is good. But Tommy has a Zionist agenda.

Tommy loves Israel. But Israel did 9/11. The founders of Israel blew up The King David Hotel and killed 30 British military personnel after we had fought to liberate them from Nazi concentration camps. The founders of Israel created, protected and collaborated with the Nazis, which led to WW2 and the deaths of 1/2 million Brits. The founders of Israel financed WW1 and kept WW1 going for 2 years when in 1916 we could and should have had peace. And Israel created, protected and has used Hamas to stop the creation of a Palestinian state leading to the recent murder of over 6000 children in The Gaza Strip.

Yet Tommy Robinson still loves Israel.

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