
Thursday, October 30, 2014


JFK is the best film I have seen. But in my top 5 is Saving Private Ryan. I was completely blown away by the opening 20 minutes or so. I can well imagine that landing on the beaches of Normandy was exactly like that: terror; horror; blood; limbs; noise; fire; screams; death.

That is what our fathers and grandfathers went through.

To remember what our ancestors went through I proposed a protest outside Freemasons Hall on 28th June this year to protest the engineering of World War One by the British monarchy through Freemasonry. Nobody but me turned up. The purpose of WW1 was to create a world government, The League of Nations, which was proposed by Sir Edward Grey in 1915. The USA voted to stay out of the LoN. This decision led to the British monarchy through Anglophile Wall Street engineering World War 2.

Our fathers and grandfathers went through hell for us, to make this world a better place.

But is it?

A war has been boiling in Syria. We are told that honourable 'freedom fighters' are fighting a despotic Syrian President Assad. But the truth is that nations like Qatar and headchopping Saudi Arabia have been financing international cutthroat Jihadis to kick out Assad so that a pipeline from Qatar through Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey onto Europe can be built to threaten Russia's supply of gas, while Assad wants a pipeline from Iran through Iraq and Syria to Europe that protects Russia's supplies to Europe. NATO has been supporting the international cutthroat Jihadis through providing arms, training, political, logistical and moral support, and so-called 'non-lethal' equipment. The 'revolution' by NATO-sponsored neo-Nazis in Ukraine is part of this war to destroy Russia.

Yesterday Callous Cameron met with the Emir of Qatar. He apparently pleaded for Qatar to invest in Great Britain.

So why is Callous Cameron, who allowed David Haines and Alan Henning to have their heads sawn off to provide a casus belli for him and his bloodthirsty gimps in The Marsten House to overtly meddle in Syria, prostituting himself to Qatar?

Let's get this straight: Qatar is already one of the richest countries in the world and wants to become even richer by financing international cutthroat Jihadis to slit the throats of defenceless Syrian children as they try in vain to kick out President Assad in order to build a pipeline from his country to transport gas from the Pars field to Europe; and Callous Cameron wants the Emir of Qatar to invest their bloodmoney in Great Britain?

Did our fathers and grandfathers die on the beaches of Normandy for this?

(Reuters) - Prime Minister David Cameron on Wednesday urged Qatar to plough more of its vast oil and gas wealth into infrastructure projects across Britain during an official visit from the Gulf state's emir.

Cameron asked Sheikh Tamim bin Hamad Al Thani to consider further funding to help Britain's push to develop cities in the north of the country and connect them to London using a high speed rail line, a statement released by his office said.

Qatar is one of the world's richest countries and is already heavily invested in British firms and property.

[source : PM Cameron appeals to Qatar emir for more investment, Reuters,, 29th October 2014]

Note that both Cameron and the Emir both have their heads on their shoulders, as do the former IS hostages whose ransoms were paid for their release despite a G8 agreement that ransoms should not be paid. Sadly, David Haines and Alan Henning were allowed by Cameron and the Emir to have their heads sawn off to provide a casus belli for Great Britain to overtly meddle in Syria so that the very wealthy Emir can become even wealthier and invest his bloodmoney in Great Britain.

This is Great Britain today, just less than two weeks before Remembrance Day.

C'est magnifique, innit?

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