Friday, June 05, 2015


This may come as a surprise to some, considering I have accused Belling Cat of being in cahoots with the CIA, George Soros and NATO and that therefore their reports should be viewed with some scepticism, but there is something in one of their latest reports which I think does raise some questions about the authenticity of the photos used by the Russian MoD at their 21st July 2014 press conference.

The photos are available at .

I questioned these a month or so ago when I looked at the precise location, using the coordinates on the images released by the Russian MoD, and was surprised to find that the supposed launch site was just south east of Donetsk, well within separatist controlled territory. Of course, it is possible that the Ukraine Armed Forces had the balls to drive one of their BUKs into that area and fire it. That would be very risky but not impossible.

The image that suggests some possible fakery is this:

You can see that just south east of the number 3 in the grey (2nd from the left) image a path of some sort has been made in some vegetation, e.g. bushes/trees, that kind of stuff. That path is not there on the 30th May, but on 2nd July the whole of that vegetation has been removed and is replaced by dirt, or that what it looks like to me. That vegetation is again not there on 21st July.

In comparing the paths in farm fields etc. then it is impossible to compare the two because the Russian satellite uses infra red while Google Earth uses visible and some aspects will be highlighted in some photos but not in others.

But this vegetation does raise some questions, one being, is it possible that that vegetation could grow back in just 15 days time (2nd July to 17th July) to be so visible on 17th July in the Russian MoD image, only to be removed again by 21st July? What sort of vegetation was it, who removed that vegetation, when and why?

This raises questions about when the photo used by the Russian MoD was taken, but I had some doubts before, as expressed above because the proposed launch site is so close to Donetsk in separatist territory.

But we could ask the same of the Ukraine Security Service:
1. when was that phone call, which was used to implicate Cossacks at Chernukino, actually recorded?
2. when was that video of a BUK in Luhansk filmed, because it looks like it was filmed at 5am but Naida says the BUK was in Russia by 2am?

And we could also ask the same of Reuters: why did their reporter make up stuff about witnesses seeing plumes of smoke, etc?

And we could also ask the same of Belling Cat: why are they so blinkered in ignoring all the claims of witnesses who state on camera that they saw fighter jets, particularly now that Agapov has been named?

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