Monday, April 20, 2015


I just watched this CBS report on Ghouta:

The report is strong in emotion but weak in substance. Yes, something truly horrendous occured in Ghouta on 21st August 2013. From the images shown in that 60 Minutes report you could describe it as "hell on earth", couldn't you?

"Hell on earth"?

Now where have I heard that phrase before?

Oh, that's right. Prince Bandar used it to describe what he was going to do in Syria to embarrass Putin into dumping Assad.

And that question of why Assad would use chemical weapons against his own people when UN weapons inspectors were just down the road was not answered in that 60 Minutes report either, not even by Pelley or the chemical weapons expert.

The whole horrendous and tragic event of Ghouta was run by the Saudis:
1. the Saudis provided the patsies for 9/11 which kicked off the series of wars and regime changes we have seen in North Africa and the Middle East since then;
2. but by 2007 that plan was moribund so the USA, and the Saudis reached an agreement that the Saudis would unleash the nastiest, most medieval, barbaric cutthroat Jihadis onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon;
3. but these Jihadis needed cover as 'freedom fighters' to hide their barbarity so the US State Dept engineered the Arab Spring;
4. these Jihadis were first unleashed onto Libya, where NATO became the air force of al Qaeda in Islamic Maghreb;
5. after Libya they were smuggled into Syria, perhaps through one of the ratlines that Roland Dumas was asked to organise by British 'Intelligence';
6. but by mid-2013 these Jihadis had still not kicked out Assad, so Bandar was sent to Moscow to give Putin an ultimatum that Bandar would unleash "hell on earth" if Putin didn't dump Assad;
7. Putin rejected this lovely, heart-warming offer;
8. so on 21st August 2013 Bandar kept his promise and unleashed "hell on earth" in Ghouta.

And because the false flag of Ghouta failed to provoke the war by NATO and its Zionist and Gulf state allies wanted to continue their warmongering agenda to transform the world to their benefit, this even more monstrous entity Islamic State was allowed to come to power to provide the excuse to interfere in Syria.

So what is at stake in Syria? Why all this head-chopping and gassing? The prize for winning Syria is a pipeline from the Pars gas field. The Saudis and NATO want a pipeline from the Pars through Qatar, Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria and Turkey to threaten Russia's business and thus influence over Europe; Assad and Putin want a pipeline through Iran, Iraq, Syria and Lebanon to Europe which would not threaten Russia's business with Europe.

For this prize, the Saudis have unleashed the nastiest, most medieval, barbaric international cutthroat Jihadi butchers onto Syria, and with the full support of, though possibly commanded by, this Disunited Fascist Queendom.

Isn't it interesting that 60 Minutes has somehow not discovered the plan for war and regime change in seven countries in five years: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Sudan, Somalia and Libya.

60 Minutes has also somehow missed The Redirection by Seymour Hersh which predicted in 2007, with great accuracy, that the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia were going to unleash the nastiest, most medieval, barbaric international cutthroat Jihadi butchers onto Syria.

Or perhaps CBS and all the other NATO media and social media wannabes are aware of this geopolitical agenda, but like John S Knight and many, many others, they have kept their mouths shut for the benefit of the CIA and MI6 and their masters in Wall Street and The City of London.

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