Saturday, September 26, 2015


Why do so many support war but not sign up to join the military to fight those wars that they support?

There are those in the corridors of power who engineer the wars.

Then there are those in Parliament who support and vote for those engineered wars.

And then there are those members of the public who support those engineered wars. They don't march for those wars. They don't shout on the street corners for those wars. But they might write to their MP urging their already war-hungry MP to vote those wars.

But they'll argue and argue and argue that such and such a war is necessary because of this, that and t'other reason.

But have they tried to join the military?

Or even the reserves?

Nah. No chance.

Armchair cowards, the lot of 'em. Happy to send their fellow man into war to be kill or be killed but can't be arsed to join them or find out what the war is really about in the first place!

But who is worse: the Member of Parliament for voting for the war, or the Member of Public for supporting the war?

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