Wednesday, April 06, 2016



Or perhaps on a free transfer?

The latest attack on Putin from The Atlantic Council is entitled Distract Deceive Destroy : Putin at War in Syria. The authors include Higgins and John Herbst.

Herbst was US Ambassador to Uzbekistan at the same time that Craig Murray was British Ambassador. Murray writes of Herbst:
In mid-October, I made a speech at Freedom House in Uzbekistan, in which I made plain what I had learned in my brief time there. "Uzbekistan is not a functioning democracy, nor does it appear to be moving in the direction of democracy," I asserted, contradicting the U.S. ambassador, John Herbst, who had spoken before me. I went on to detail the political prisoners, prevalence of torture and lack of basic freedoms. I spoke out despite a written rebuke I had received from my superiors in London, chastising me for being "over-focused on human rights." Apparently, my job was to stand beside my U.S. colleague and support our Uzbek ally.

[source : Craig Murray, Her Majesty's Man in Tashkent, WP,, 3rd September 2006]

But Herbst was also US Ambassador to Ukraine during the Orange Revolution, in which, very much like in early 2014, the NATO powers decided that the Ukraine people had elected the wrong leader (Yanukovich again) and financed a revolution against Yanukovich to install Viktor Yushchenko and Yulia Tymoshenko.

The wheels of history go round and round. Round and round. Round and round.
The wheels of history go round and round...

So who financed The Orange Revolution?

The usual: NED, Soros, USAID, US State Dept. Precisely the same cabal who financed and brought to power Yastenyuk in 2014! And USAID and Soros also finance(d) the OCCRP.

In fact, the only difference between 2004 and 2014 is that in 2014 NATO used violent neo-Nazis to provoke riots by shooting protestors and police, but in 2004 they didn't!

Are you telling me that Herbst, as Ambassador to Ukraine, knew nothing before all this was going to happen in 2004? Pfft.

The Atlantic Council is the political and think tank wing of NATO. As such it produces information to support NATO.

This DDD is an attempt to show that Russia did not bomb Islamic State, as they claimed, but instead knowingly bombed civilians and civilian infrastructure.

But what Higgins et al do not state is that it was NATO, Israel and Saudi Arabia who unleashed The Arab Spring onto Syria in 2011 in order to provide cover as 'freedom fighters' for some very nasty terrorists, who were sponsored by NATO and Saudi Arabia. And that this was done to resurrect a plan, that by 2007 was moribund, for war and regime change in seven countries in five years: Iraq, Iran, Syria, Lebanon, Libya, Sudan and Somalia.

The foreword of DDD begins:
Russian President Vladimir Putin has jumped from one foreign policy adventure to the next. In 2014, he ordered the annexation of Ukraine’s Crimea. Throughout that year, and on into 2015, he oversaw a clandestine war in eastern Ukraine, backing Russian proxies there with weapons, fighters, and entire army units. As that war ground down into stalemate, Putin turned his eyes to Syria, and after a rapid diplomatic campaign and an equally rapid military buildup, he launched air strikes in the war-torn country.

Putin the adventurer?


In Ukraine in 2014, there was a coup run by NATO. Yanukovich had decided to join with Russiain instead of with the NATO/IMF/EU powers, so NATO ran coup against Yanukovich. NATO used neo-Nazis, who shot protestors and police to provoke riots which led to Yanukovich fleeing for his life. NATO then installed their man Yatsenyuk, who packed his junta with those violent neo-Nazis, who then began to attack the pro-Russian civilians of East Ukraine. Putin came to the defence of the civilians in East Ukraine.

And in Syria, NATO, Israel and some medieval Gulf monarchies unleashed the worst international cutthroat Jihadis in a bid to oust or kill Assad as a part of a long term plan for war and regime change in seven countires. To support this, the US State Dept engineered the Arab Spring to provide cover for these cutthroat Jihadis as 'freedom fighters', and intelligence agencies across the globe encouraged Jihad and allowed Jihadis to slip through border controls to get to Turkey and then into Syria. Putin was asked by Assad to destroy the Jihadis. And Putin agreed. Now Islamic State has beem chased out of Palmyra, and soon the SAA will kick Islamic State butt in Raqqa.

And this is why it is no coincidence that there have been a series of coordinated attacks on Putin recently: first The Panama Papers were used to smear Putin, even though Putin is not named; and second, this Atlantic Council DDD report, which fails to mention the source of the Jihadis in Syria.

What I can't understand is why nobody from the CIA or Pentagon, or from any of the other NATO intelligence departments, cannot do what a former office clerk for a lingerie company in Leicester can allegedly do.

By not exposing the plan for war and regime change, and NATO's resulting redirection of using Jihadis for regime change, Higgins has sold his soul.

But at what price?

From Extras:
He sold his soul for a shot at fame

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