Saturday, November 02, 2019


As we approach 11th November, here's some simple facts:
1. WW1 was engineered by the British monarchy, Freemasonry, allies and agents;
2. Germany, Russia and the USA were not adhering to the British monarchy's ideas of how the global economy should work;
3. Germany and Russia and allies were building land-based railways to develop national economies beyond the control of the powerful British Royal Navy.

There's much, much more, but this is the basis for WW1.

Great Britain engineered the war to destroy the competition to its global economic system and then after the war tried to impose a world government which it would control.

The main men who played key roles in all this are King George V and Sir Edward Grey.

It was King George V who, after the Freemasonic assassination of Arch Duke Franz Ferdinand, tricked Germany into believing that Great Britain would not fight in any war. This provoked both Germany and Russia into mobilising for war, but as soon as Germany invaded Belgium King George V ordered Sir Edward Grey to get Britain into the war. Grey did this by citing the obscure 1839 Treaty of London which Britain was not obliged to enforce unilaterally.

And then at the end of the war it was Grey who was appointed Ambassador to the USA so he could influence the USA into joining the new world government, The League of Nations, to become the muscle-bound global police force for Great Britain. Grey failed.

But from September 1914 to November 1918 many poor, working class British men took the King's Shilling, were given a rifle, and went killing Germans and Austrians.

Killing for the King's Shilling.

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