Wednesday, January 01, 2020


Let's heal the divisions. Come together. Unite. Level up. Friends and equals.

The words of a Communist?


These are the words of far-right Conservative Prime Minister Boris Johnson in his New Year message.

At the end of all that guff I didn't know whether he would sing Land of Hope and Glory or The Internationale!

But in the end he did neither.

Coz it's all the same typical Tory trash: we love you; we care for you; we are here for you.

Everything points to a hard lurch to the far-right. All the leading Brexiteers and their far-right sponsors and supporters truly believe in beyond-Thatcherism: privatisation; deregulation; no protections and rights for workers; ditto the environment.

It's right there in their books.

And lurking beneath it all is the volcano of racism and xenophobia and Islamophobia and homophobia about to explode. This is fertile ground for extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence propaganda asset Paul Joseph Watson to divert from investigation into the crime of the century: 9/11 and the subsequent wars.

And now the Tories have a significant majority they can implement it all quite easily.

It won't be immediate. But give it a year, maybe even 6 to 9 months. Then the Tory Betrayal will begin.

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