Thursday, May 30, 2024


One suggestion as to why Israel came into existence is that the British around 1840 started to suggest that the Jews should live in Palestine, and that the British would protect the Jews in Palestine, as their rivals at the time (Russia and France) were protecting minorities in that region as cover for intereference. Also, controlling Palestine would allow Britain to control trade routes between the jewel in their empire, India. This is due to Lord Palmerston.

That was circa 1840.

Nearly 200 years later, and the physical basis of that empire (sellinslaves to America, American cotton to the UK, selling cotton clothes to India, India opium to China) has long gone.

So there has to be a different reason as to why Israel is still in existence.

And one question I have is: why was financial control of the British Empire passed from the Barings to the Rothschilds around 1840?

The Barings were at the heart of many things British when the British Empire did indeed rule the world in the physical sense. The British East India Company is a prime example. Yet the Barings facilitated The Lousiana Purchase, which almost doubled the size of the new rival to the British Empire: the United States.

Why would the Barings of The British East India Company help to double the size of the United States as a rival to The British Empire?

And why did the United States, under Godfather of the Confederacy Andrew Jackson, then dump the Barings and appoint the newcomers Rothschilds as agents for The United States in Europe?

Because that appointment led to the rise of the Rothschilds, and thus to the creation of Israel.

Rothschild Zionism.

The Rothschilds financed Jacob Frank in his dyng years in the late 18th Century.

They then financed WW1, and kept WW1 going for 2 unnecessary years just so they could be given Palestine.

In my view, this transfer of financial control from the Barings to the Rothschilds circa 1830 is absolutely key to todays events.

Not making homebrew! 

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