Friday, June 21, 2024


A very angry David Icke is very, very angry!

Here he is asking why nobody wants to talk to him. He claims that there must be a reason.

But has he ever asked himself why his spirit guides didn't talk to him in 2020? They talked to The Daily Mail who exposed Midazolam in July 2020, but they allowed Da Ickez to blame 5G so that the killer vaccines would be rolled out?! There has to be a reason.

What could Da Ickez organised crime family have done for their spirit guides to have abandoned them?

Either David Icke has spirit guides, or he does not. Which is it? One or t'other. Spirit guides or not. If so then why did they allow the roll out of the killer vaccines. If not then Icke is a lying basterd [clue: the latter].

Why did Da Ickez spirit guides not tell Da Ickez about Midazolam until it was way too late? There has to be a reason.

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