Monday, July 29, 2024


World War 1 was the consequence of The United States, Germany and Ruusia collaborting to implement a different system of economics to The British Empire, which had led to The British Empire falling behind in economic development compared to The United States. Thus King Edward VII brought Great Britain out of 'splendid isolation' to form a series of treaties, which under the correct conditions would encircle Germany in war. The British deployed their agents in Freemasonry to assassinate Archdule Ferdinand. The British monarchy then pretended they wanted peace, while telling Germany that Great Britain would not enter a war on the continent. This encouraged both Germany and Russia to mobilise for war. But as soon as Germany invaded Belgium King George V told his Foreign Minister Sir Edward Grey to get Great Britain into the war. Thus Great Britain tricked Germany into starting WW1. Kaiser Wilhelm II in his memoirs also accuses Freemasonry for WW1.

Of this I am 100% convinced.

And not because of shape-shifting reptilian satanist paedophiles living in the moon receving their orders for world domination from Saturn.

There. Fixed it.

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