Saturday, December 19, 2015


I just watched this interview of PJW on Rebel Media.

Paul makes an error in the very first minute he speaks. He claims that just a few weeks ago Islamic State released their manifesto. Wrong. This manifesto is called Black Flags from Rome...and it was released in January this year!! And it was even covered by Fox News shortly after its release!! So, assuming that the manifesto is actually genuine, and that NATO intelligence services watch Fox News, we can then also assume that NATO knew in Febuary that there was going to be refugee crisis and that Islamic State would exploit it. What happened? There was a refugee crisis in August/September originating in NATO member Turkey. And yes, that is the same NATO that ran Operation Gladio, which was a series of false flag terrorist attacks in Europe committed by right wing extremists but blamed on Communists in order to bring Europe to the right and to demand protection from the state.

But who are Rebel Media?

Rebel Media is run by Ezra Levant, a pure Zionist who loves Israel and supports Israel as it kills 520 children in Gaza.

I just did a search on Rebel Media for news on Israel, and there was hardly anything critical of Israel, as you would expect from a news organisation run by a pure Zionist. Rebel Media is a clone of media outlets such as Drudge Report and World Net Daily.

PJW makes some good points with which I agree, but it is not Islam that runs the world. ZioNATOism is much more likely to run the world. ZioNATOism wishes to demonise Islam. Yes, there are some nasty elements in Islam, but there are nasty elements in some of the other major religions too.

We are still waiting for the truth about Zionism, and when we do get told the truth about Zionism I don't expect PJW to be appearing any time soon on Rebel Media or any of the other similar media outlets.

Not even Trump will say the I word even when he suspects that Israel is running Islamic State (which it is)!

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