Tuesday, March 05, 2019


The FBI were already concerned in December 1943 that a sigificant number of American Jews were already working against the interests of America in favour of a Jewish state.

This kind of fact is covered in Against Our Better Judgement by Alison Weir, which goes a long way to explain how the Zionists grabbed control of America. Some very relevant facts are omitted but it is still one of the best books out there on this.

And who sold out to this lot, who kept WW1 going unnecessarily for 2 more years just so they could be given Palestine?

And who attacked the USS Liberty killing 34 U S Military personnel without any reprisals because super-duper Zionist LBJ was POTUS, who stands accused of the assassination of President John F Kennedy, and who with James Jesus Angleton gave Israel the bomb?

And who on 9/11 attacked the WTC and even the Pentagon to trick the USA into fighting their wars for nearly 2 decades at a cost of at least $5 trillion but Trump jokes that it is more like $7 trillion?

Go on. Guess who sold out to this lot of mass murderers and thieves?



In particular, one Captain PJW Pervert, who wrote a not-bad-at-all book on 9/11, but has now sold out to the extreme rightist Zionist network that did all the above and runs paedophile networks.

They made a small fortune out of those who threw themselves from the 82nd floors of WTC1 and WTC2, accusing Israel of the murder of nearly 3000 on the day and millions after. But now they barely mention 9/11 and instead suck Zionist you-know-what (and also spied on me in my bedroom, the creepy perverts).


Very, very sick.

Seek help immediately.

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