Saturday, April 13, 2019


Captain Pervert made his name after writing a half-decent book on U S intels and 9/11. He eventually became editor for Alex Jones' Infowars. Before 2015 Infowars made a fortune from claiming that all those people who died on 9/11, in particular all those poor souls who threw themselves from the burning 82nd floor of the WTC to avoid being roasted alive, did so because of Israel and Saudi Arabia. But then around 2015/6 when Trump announced his intention to run for the presidency of the Yoonited States 'Murica, the extreme rightist Zionist globalist fixer Roger Stone began to appear on Infowars to promote Trump to the Infowars demographic as their saviour. But now that Trump is Prez:
1. he's basically doing what his mega Zionist sponsors Murdoch and Adelson want regarding Israel;
2. he has allied with the Saudis (who did 9/11 and unleashed the international cutthroat Jihadis) against Iran (who didn't do 9/11 and is fighting those international cutthroat Jihadis);
3. he's increased the U S national debt to the international bankers by $2 trillion in just 2 years.

And that's just for starters.

But what's more important is that both Infowars and Trump are assets of U S Military Intelligence.

You know. The same U S Military Intelligence who were AWOL on 22nd November 1963 and also on 11th September 2001.

Captain Pervert knowingly sold out to and worked for this network for years.

His 'fans' are in fact dupes. He knows it. They don't.

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