Wednesday, April 10, 2019


1. the Brexit referendum was legally not binding, only indicative, so May does not have to be causing so much stress and chaos and wasting so much money and causing many SMEs to be wasting so much money;
2. massive Bilderberg Zionist Rupert Murdoch (who is the public face of 9/11) drove Brexit through his puppet Farage;
3. David Icke stated Murdoch knows what is going on;
4. Netanyahu threatened the EU to start obeying Israel or else they'll be destroyed;
5. the EU is the only global scale entity opposing Israeli aggression;
6. Murdoch claimed the Queen supports Brexit (Murdoch is still alive while Dr David Kelly was 'suicided';
7. the pro-Brexit campaign told loads of lies and admitted that they broke the law.

I ask again: why the F are Icke and his partner-in-perversion Captain Pervert supporting Brexit?

We know why Captain Pervert is. He is knowingly a U S Military Intelligence asset, and as such is a Zionist asset (which makes sense of his 180 degree turn regarding Zionism and Iran and now blaming everything on leftists, mooslims and immigrants).

But as for Icke?

Is Icke an asset of Russian Intelligence? Even though Putin allowed all the PNAC wars and is doing nothing to save Gaza from being ethnically cleansed?

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