Wednesday, December 02, 2015


In 2011 David Cameron was Prime Minister as the UK formed a coalition to save civilians in Libya. A UN resolution gave them authority to create a No Fly Zone in a small part of Libya. But within weeks this had turned into a Get Gaddafi campaign. British Special Forces were sent into Libya to help the Libyan 'rebels', who were actually al Qaeda in the Islamic Maghreb. And NATO provided them air support! Gaddafi was eventually killed.

This was all done as part of a long term plan that was kicked off by 9/11.

Libya is now a Jihadi hell hole, reduced from being the crown jewel of Africa to a pile of rubble.

All thanks to Cameron.

But before Libya there was Iraq. Our invasion of Iraq led to the development of Islamic State.

So we go into Iraq looking for WMDs, and don't find any, but destabilise the region leading the basis of Islamic State.

We then go into Libya, and leave the place as a Jihadi hell hole.

Both Iraq and Libya were named as targets for war and regime change in 2001, even though they had nothing to do with 9/11.

Syria was also named as a target, but has so far resisted with the assistance of Hezbollah, Iran and Russia. It was reported in 2007 that the USA, Israel and Saudi Arabia would unleash Jihadis onto Syria, Iran and Lebanon.

The morons in The House of Commons cannot or refuse to see it: it is all a scam!

And upon the result of the vote tonight what did these MPs do? FUCKING LAUGHED!!

And initial reactions on Twitter are overwhelmingly of anger at the MPs for laughing and huge disappointment that we are going to war again despite the power vacuums that we create which are filled by Jihadis leading to this latest war.

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