Because Trudeau resigned today, Alex has just made that outrageous claim.
But note: the Anglo-American empire is usually called the Anglo-American-Zionist empire.
So why did Alex omit the Zionist bit?
Well, why is Musk's X silencing anti-Zionist speech?
Why has Trump picked the most pro-Zionist administration EVER?
And why has Israel been able to get away with mass genocide in The Gaza Strip, with both Trump and Musk in total support?
Alex sounds absolutely convinced of his claim. Maniacally so.
And suggests that the NWO will now attempt to assassinate Musk as well as Trump.
But as 9/11 was the litmus test for Trump (which Trump failed), Musk's relationship with Quing Charles III is the litmus test for Musk.
Musk asked Charles to dissolve Parliament and call for a new general election. So far, Charles has refused.
There are several possibilities for this refusal, one of which is that Musk is an asset of British Intelligence.
The British unleashed Communism on Europe in 1848 to destabilise and overthrow governments and monarchies the British monarchy did not like.
The British unleashed WW1 on the world in 1914 to destroy Europe and Russia and create a world goverment that Great Britain would control, but only after the Zionists had secured finance from the USA via The Federal Reserve. The British then sold out to the Zionists after the disastrous failure of The Somme in 1916. That's why The Balfour Declaration was issued.
Now, guess who supports Israel?
Yep. Trump and Musk.
Ain't that funny? That the two great revolutionaries Musk and Trump, according to Alex, are devoted to the Zionists who the British sold out to?
And Alex's hero Andrew Jackson was a British agent who was tricked into destroying the central bank that was financing the United States into a rival to the British Empah, and then became The Godfather of The Confederacy.
Alex cannot see this.
So if he cannot see this now, how can he be trusted to be seeing what he claims to be seeing?
What you have to understand about Alex is his family: they worked for and with the great British agent and traitor to the United States, Andrew Jackson. They then went on to fight for the Confederate States of America to preserve slavery.
Alex defends his ancestors claiming they were tricked by British Intelligence.
Alex's ancestors loved slavery! They helped to establish The Republic of Texas in 1836 to preserve slavery! They fought at the rank of colonel and general to preserve slavery!
That treason against the human race is in Alex's DNA!!!
Alex once defended Trump's mentor, Roy Cohn, as a good guy. The problem for Alex is that Cohn ran paedophile networks for the CIA!!
I really do hope that Alex is right, but I don't trust Alex, Trump and Musk.
Not. One. Bit.
Why is Musk the recipient of loads and loads of contracts from The Pentagon?
Why is Musk silencing anti-Israel speech?
Why is Trump's daughter Ivanka a WEF Young Global Leader (class of 2015)?
I don't trust Alex because he is covering up his ancestors' collaboration with British agent Andrew Jackson and The Confederate States of America.
I don't trust Trump because he is covering up 9/11, loves Israel and his daughter is a WEF YGL.
And I don't trust Musk because he is pro-Israel, and is dependent on The Pentagon for multi-billions and billions and billions. Alex attacks The Pentagon as NWO, yet The Pentagon somehow made the greatest enemy of the NWO in the form of Musk? Pffft!
Oh, and on Alex's family: his daddy was/is the go-to dentist for the CIA.
Yet Alex claims to be the leader of 'the resistance'?
Would The Pentagon agree to the assassination of Musk, who The Pentagon/NWO have invested so much? Possibly enabling Blue Beam?
Double pffft!
If you want to understand and trust Alex Jones, read the works of Michael Kirsch of EIR/LPAC, who proves WITHOUT ANY DOUBT WHATSOEVER that Andrew Jackson was a British agent.
Alex has a big gob but a small brain.
Sad but true.