Approximately 3000 people died on 9/11.
Four hijacked planes flew around US airspace for over an hour and a half, when Cheney was in charge of several terror drills which virtually mirrored the hijackings. One of these hijacked planes allegedly flew into the Pentagon, after performing some incredible manouevres, killing a number of accounting and auditing staff who may well have been asked to trace the $2 trillion Rumsfeld announced the day before was 'missing'.
The alleged perpetrators were Osama bin Laden, and his sidekick Saddam Hussein. But now the FBI have stopped looking for ObL because of "a lack of evidence".
In the meantime, hundreds of billions have been spent on the military.
The Afghanistan opium harvest is at record levels.
Cheney's sugar daddy Halliburton was awarded many no-bid contracts, and Cheney received kickbacks.
Iraq has been laid to waste and is collapsing into civil war.
Sure the evil dictator Saddam is now in the dock, but there is now talk of installing a new Iraqi dictator. And the USA is building the most fantastic embassy in Baghdad, with swimming pools and air conditioning, while on the streets outside Iraqis are at each others throats.
Hundreds of thousands of dead civilians in Iraq, either blown to bits by the US military, or tortured to death by rival death squads in the civil war.
US Marines facing the death penalty for wanton murder and rape, while Bush wants the US military exempt from prosecution for crimes against humanity.
University professors are threatened with losing their jobs, or are placed on paid leave, if they question the official version of the events of 9/11.
Civilians are kidnapped by the CIA anywhere in the world, and flown to secret prisons and tortured.
There is talk of a long, long war run out of the USA, to hunt down and kill the terrorists, to shmoke 'em out, when the terrorists were fostered in London, or given flying lessons at US Naval schools.
A few months ago Israel invaded Lebanon, to rescue, so they said, two Israeli soldiers who had been kidnapped by Hizb Allah (there is some dispute over exactly where the soldiers were kidnapped).
A month or so before this Corporal Gilad Shalit was kidnapped by Palestinian militants.
So Israel went to war in Lebanon. Lebanon was bombed into the third world. The Lebanese infrastructure was destroyed. There was yet another massacre at Qana, the victims were again women and children. Thousands of civilians were killed. Strange weapons were used by Israel. Cluster bombs. DU. Phosphorus.
Another silent war was waged in the occupied territories.
That war went on for 33 days.
And after all that, the three soldiers were still held captive.
But after a few weeks of talking, of negotiations, it now appears Corporal Shalit is being released in a prisoner exchange between the Palestinians and Israel.
So five years ago, we witnessed the most horrific terrorist event the world had ever seen. Immediately two men were blamed and targeted; Osama bin Laden and Saddam Hussein.
Instead of creating an honest truth-seeking investigative team to discover what exactly happened, and find out what the suspected perpetrators wanted, the USA went on a bloodlust, and only after some armtwisting was an investigation panel assembled, which was to be controlled by none other than Dr Henry 'Strangelove' Kissinger!!
It is only now seeping into the mainstream media that bin Laden is no longer wanted for 9/11, and that Iraq also had nothing to do with 9/11.
So, who dunnit?
Five years of bullshit.
Five years of spilled blood.
Five years of lies.
Five years of 100% pure corruption.
And still they want more.
Next stop, Iran.