Saturday, March 22, 2008


BBC News 'Click' section, the dept that looks at hi-tech stuff, has just run a 3 minute piece pushing the cashless society.

It started with the 'nightmare' of dropping £2.50 in change in the floor. Oh no! The horror!

Next it scaremongered with the thought of losing your wallet.

It then went onto to advertise several cashless remedies, focusing on the transactions that cost less than £10.

One remedy to the horror of carrying cash was the use of your mobile phone with a new special chip, and the guy presenting the piece used such a phone to catch a tube train.

Then it introduced the use of fingerprints, in which you register your credit and debit cards and they are all linked to a copy of your fingerprint on a database somewhere.

It then looked at PayPal.

And ended with a long scene of Northern Rock customers recently queueing to get their cash out.

This was a hit piece on cash, pure and simple. I'm glad the 'money' I give to the BBC through the licence fee is being used to indoctrinate me into the future plans of our warmongering, megalomaniac monsters.

There was, of course, no mention that a cashless society means there will be no restrictions whatsoever on how much 'money' banks can create out of nothing to finance their dreams of world wars and fascist Satanist dictatorship.

But never mind. Just as long as you don't have to worry about all those 1p and 2p coins, eh?

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