Saturday, July 12, 2008


So David Icke has identified the problem.

He is also provoking a reaction.

What is his solution?

We need an economy to survive, a real, practical and much fairer economy, and we are talking several large and many small economies, than what we have now.

There is only one person, as far as I can see, who is aware of the New World Order and is proposing realistic, practical economic solutions to our situation, and that is Lyndon Larouche.

There is one difficulty: Larouche worships FDR, while Icke detests him. In fact this dispute runs all the way through the history of The United States of America, and probably beyond. Larouche thinks the American Revolution was genuine, while Icke thinks it was all a trick, to replace overt control with covert control.

Larouche proposes implementing the American System of Economics, which led to the rapid development of the USA into a world superpower. In turn the USA gave all its high technology and know-how to the Soviet Union and Nazi Germany to build them up for a horrific, bloody world war 2, which resulted in the global institutions of today and much greater centralisation of power.

Question : was the American System of Economics withheld from the human race until the American Revolution, and then implemented so that America would rapidly become the world superpower, but controlled so that it never surpassed Great Britain until the time was right, i.e. with the establishment of the Federal Reserve and World War 1?

We are talking about some very cunning and evil people here. I would not put it passed them.

Anyway, I'm a little disappointed by the number of votes Icke got (I was expecting one or two hundred more) and wonder if the lack of any real economic solution was the cause of this. I know Icke didn't want or expect to win the by-election, but now the problem has been identified, which is definitely provoking a reaction as shown by the Google Video hit count, what are the practical and fairer economic solutions we want and need?


JahProphet1 said...

That isn't an entirely acurate depiction of LaRouche. Check this out: it is a documentary showing his views on history:

Howiecopywriter said...

Larouche has a new video, called 1932, by his youth movement that is really great,

me said...

After Versailles, Lord Curzon said, "This is no peace. This is only a truce for 20 years". How right he was. Why did Curzon get it right?

Step back from your FDR love-in and look at how World War 2 was engineered, and the bloody purpose of WW2.

Under FDR the Nazis grew and grew, without any investigation by FDR into how they grew, e.g. were any Americans from Wall Street involved, despite the Butler Affair and the finding that Morgan et al had planned a fascist coup AGAINST HIM! It was only after the Nazis had invaded many countries in Europe and WW2 had been going on for a year or so that UBC was investigated.

Meanwhile the USSR was given loads of assistance by FDR, despite Stalin's known mass genocide in Ukraine and his purges.

And Pearl Harbor is now definitely a crime that FDR should have been executed for, but he managed to get Kimmel blamed for that.

After WW2 we got the UN, an FDR proposal, that is now usurping more and more of our national sovereignty.

FDR was at least exploited, if not willingly exploited.

As for “1932 : The Video”? I have watched it several times, and every time I watched it I always asked myself the same questions.
1. why is there no mention of the Wall Street and City of London control and manipulation of the Bolshevik Revolution?
2. why is there no mention of how Wall Street, the City of London and Germany created the Soviet Union (see Sutton’s trilogy on Soviet Economic Development)?
3. why is there no mention of the FDR manipulation of Japan into the Pearl Harbor attack, with the consent of his alleged enemy Churchill?
4. why is there no mention of his origin from 120 Broadway, where all the financial manipulators of the 20th Century worked?
5. why did FDR not destroy the Federal Reserve?
6. why did FDR not stop WW2 and turn against Stalin and Communism by agreeing to at least one of Canaris’ proposals?
7. why is there no mention of the Tyler Kent case?
8. why did FDR surround himself with many known Soviet agents, ignoring and brushing aside any criticism of them?

And I ask myself, why are these key questions not asked and answered in “1932 : The Video”? Instead FDR is portrayed as a pro-American, anti-British saviour. That is slightly possible, but the pro-Soviet FDR is not addressed.

And then I get suspicious.

The more I read of FDR the more I become convinced he was willingly exploited, and that his role was to create the Soviet Union and empower it as part of the three-world-war plan while ignoring the financing for the creation of Nazi Germany until it was too late.

The research on the US Civil War is very, very good, and what I have so far been able to check out has indeed checked out.

But if the US Civil War can be so well researched, then why can’t FDR? And if FDR has been so well researched why are the 8 questions above not addressed?

This is not to detract from the basic economic policies being proposed by Larouche.

We need to take back control of credit from the warmongers and restore it to the people.

We need to make that public credit work for the people, not for the warmongers.

But we need to do it so that the global economies are not disturbed to create instabilities leading to total collapse and return to the dark ages, multiple wars and barbarism.

LynMarcus said...

Larouche is running a cult which is based on using whatever crisis pops up to promote himslef as the saviour and for his slaves in the boiler rooms to have someone to call for money.

Really folks, this scam has benn going on for decades and decades with larouche being a communist, socialist, Marxist, Christian, pro America, anti USA , whatever is needed for the next new crop of recruits and phone numnbers to call up.

He also is a convicted felon whose cult stole 30 million in the 1980s and today he runs his cult every day for 16 hours with an endless parade of end of the world sermons for the dwindling faithful.

Just google Larouche and cult, antisemite, fraud to read more.

SItes like look under social orgs and discussions to find thousands of posts from former members who show you how the scam works in the cult.

The latest move by the cult is what they did in the 1970s which is to target conspiracy groups and conspiracy minded people for the cult. They send out material via the cult and then follow up with a never ending barrage of phone calls for money to save the universe by their boiler room phone banks.

Every few years or even months, Larouche can change the cult dynamics so whatever new layer will be targeted for money, a nice story is created using whatever delusionary story can be created and the cult marhces on.

It has been this way since the 1960s with new colege drop outs hwoa re naive who replace the previous crop who finally left the lunacy.

me said...

First, who are you?

Second, I do not think there is a Larouche cult, and I do not think Jeremiah was murdered by them either.

I just think that by ignoring certain pieces of evidence FDR is turned into a God when in the end, wittingly or unwittingly, he served the agenda for three world wars.

LynMarcus said...

I am just a person who spent some time in the cult and witnessed firsthand how it is run and how it works. The cult tries to find upset and angry layers of the population who will see what they like in the cult and in their excitment, not notice how a cult works.

The conspiracy minded web blogs have been targetted for mass emailings and follow up calls form their boiler rooms. The idea is to present a convicted fraud and multi decade cult leader as some sort of genius who can solve all of your problems and explain everything in world history with a mother of all conspiracies. There will be one message for conspiracy buffs while Hillary supporters will get a different version. If you have a disagreement with Al Gore and global warming, you get a different version for you too.

We did this for decades and were able to target many layers of angry people. The idea is to try to recruit a few people for the cult, but more importantly, find more revenue streams to milk every few months with an endless supply of end of the world hysteria. The cult is kept in whipped up frenzy every day which is why he can have a handfull of college drop outs work 16 hours a day for nothing, 6 to 7 days a week emailing you and calling you and others around the clock.

This is all cult 101 and has been going on for decades and decades. In know cause I was doing this for years myself.