Tuesday, November 11, 2008


The Bilderberg Washington Post has in its Op-Ed column today requested that Al Gore and Richard Holbrooke be given posts in Obama's administration; Gore as Secretary of State, and Holbrooke as Secretary of toilet cleaning.

Gore is a gofer for Prince Philip and the green agenda that would gladly see off 80% of the human population to 'save the planet', i.e. save the planet as a playground for the super-rich while the remaining 1 billion or so people are herded into mega-cities and or mega-farms to produce all that the super-rich require for a luxurious life.

Holbrooke cleans toilets with his tongue.

From http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2008/11/10/AR2008111002478.html?hpid=opinionsbox1

If there is a single appointment Barack Obama could make to signal how dramatically things will change in Washington, it would be to name Albert Gore Jr. -- former House member, former senator, former vice president, former presidential nominee and current Custodian of the Planet -- as secretary of state. For all the other aspirants to the job, sorry -- this is an inconvenient truth.

...This is merely my short list. I have not mentioned some truly outstanding people -- Richard Holbrooke, for instance -- nor, for that matter, am I all that confident that Gore would leave Nashville for Foggy Bottom. He's rich now and reports to no one.

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