Tuesday, July 07, 2009


That David Aaronovitch is still at it. Somehow he links the death of Jimi Hendrix to the recent events in Iran and suggests that the Iranians are imagining a conspiracy when there isn't one, just like the alleged murder of Hendrix.

But like everyone's favourite one-world Bilderberger Gideon Rachman (who has a 1st Class Degree in History from Cambridge don't you know) he forgot to mention Operation Ajax.

Aaronovitch does not address this conspiracy fact, and does not even question why the Iranians are so untrusting of us, and one has to wonder why when he appears to know an awful lot about the alleged murder of Jimi Hendrix.

So for those who may or may not be unaware of Operation Ajax, in 1953 MI6 and the CIA engineered the ousting of Mohammed Mossadeq because, get this, he had the flaming cheek to want to use the revenues from the sale of Iranian oil for Iranians! Can you believe the cheeky so and so? Imagine an Iranian wanting to use Iranian oil for Iranians!? Well, as you can well imagine, some people in London and Washington DC were a bit unhappy about that cheeky notion, because they want it all, including control of the world (and that means control of you). So MI6 and the CIA came up with this dastardly plot to oust Mossadeq, which coincidentally used allegations of voting irregularities.

For what he wanted and went through, Iranians voted Mossadeq Iranian of the 20th Century a few years ago.

Fast forward to the 1990's.

A group of Zionists produced a document called A Clean Break which called for Israeli military aggression against its neighbours, specifically naming Iraq, Iran, Syria and Lebanon as targets. We've seen what's happened to these nations since, particularly Iraq and Lebanon, and more recently with Iran.

Authors of A Clean Break were,
Richard Perle, American Enterprise Institute, Study Group Leader
James Colbert, Jewish Institute for National Security Affairs
Charles Fairbanks, Jr., Johns Hopkins University/SAIS
Douglas Feith, Feith and Zell Associates
Robert Loewenberg, President, Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies
Jonathan Torop, The Washington Institute for Near East Policy
David Wurmser, Institute for Advanced Strategic and Political Studies
Meyrav Wurmser, Johns Hopkins University

[source : http://www.israeleconomy.org/strat1.htm]

Some of these names may look familiar, particularly to Bilderbergers with a 1st Class Degree in History from Cambridge.

Anyway, in 1997 yet another group of Zionists formed an organization, this one called The Project for a New American Century, with very similar and overlapping aims as those stated by the authors of A Clean Break. Now how could that happen? Take Richard Perle (please!); study Group Leader for A Clean Break, member of PNAC and on 9/11 was Chairman of the Defense Policy Board Advisory Committee, and thus held a very influential position in The Pentagon. In their documents PNAC went a step further than A Clean Break by expressing their desire for "a new Pearl Harbor" as a catalyst to form public opinion in their favour.

They got that on 9/11 (when one of their members was Secretary of Defense).

On 9/11 these pro-Israel warmongers occupied positions of very high office and opinion making.

So not surprisingly, after the shock of 9/11, these people went to work on W and the USA big time so they could fulfill their burning desires. Lies were printed here, there and everywhere; Saddam did 9/11. Saddam has WMD. Saddam doesn't have the world's 2nd largest proven reserves of oil.

And then the axis-of-evil was identified, consisting of Iraq, North Korea and...Iran.

ZOG has constantly had Iran in it's crosshairs. Like Iraq it has a lotta oil, and has also significantly resisted the creation of the Zionist State of Israel. So to think that ZOG is not meddling in Iran now is ludicrous.

ZOG had motive.
ZOG had opportunity.
ZOG has form.

But the funniest comment of Mr A's is this;
"On the website of Press TV, the Iranian English-language channel, most anti-regime comments are edited out."

I have had most of my comments on The Guardian, The Times and The Daily Telegraph either deleted or unpublished. The comments contained no swearing or ridiculous name-calling, but did mention Bilderberg, Zionism etc. So you can draw your own conclusions (but don't try to publish them on The Guardian, The Times and The Daily Telegraph websites).

Mr A is wasting everyone's time and I believe his job is this; because there are a gerzillion conspiracy theories and only one truth then if a small subset of ridiculous conspiracy theories can be held up and ridiculed then all conspiracy theories are ridiculous and only one version of history, that of ZOG's, is the one we should believe in and die for.

Heil ZOG!


From http://www.timesonline.co.uk/tol/comment/columnists/david_aaronovitch/article6652586.ece

From The Times
July 7, 2009
Hiding unrest in the purple haze of conspiracy
Inventing secret plots is just a bit of fun — except when it is done by an oppressive theocracy trying to conceal its crimes
David Aaronovitch

Nothing, it seems, is as it seems. My generation thought that Jimi Hendrix was just another of our tragic self-culled heroes, alongside Janis, Jim, Keith, Brian and Marc. This weekend I learnt from James “Tappy” Wright, an ancient roadie who has a new book out, that Jimi was actually murdered. Some time in 1971, a year after Hendrix died, his manager — one Mike Jeffery — in his cups, confessed to Wright that he had done the superstar in.

“I was in London the night of Jimi’s death,” Jeffery had told Wright, “and together with some old friends, we went round to [the] hotel room, got a handful of pills and stuffed them into his mouth . . . then poured a few bottles of red wine deep into his windpipe.” It fooled the pathologist and the coroner and Jeffery walked off with Hendrix’s money and a large insurance policy.

Alas, Jeffery has not been in a position these 35 years to confirm, deny, sue or indeed do much of anything following his 1973 air crash. Wright’s explanation for his own inordinate delay in setting the record straight is that Jeffery’s friends might have sought retribution, so we must presume that these shadowy persons are now also beyond exacting revenge. Perhaps he will name them. Myself, I can’t help thinking that (a) the method of murder described above is a little hit and miss, and (b) that Jeffery’s probably being in Majorca on the night of the death is problematic. I ask myself whether it is more likely that a rock star didn’t really die of drugs and drink, than that Wright is a fabulist selling a book. I mean, which scenario is the most common in our experience?

Same day, and we travel to Austria to discover that far-right politician Jörg Haider, widely believed to have died in an alcohol, tiredness and speed-induced car smash last October, might in fact have been the victim of a plot by persons unspecified (but likely to include the Austrian Government, the CIA and, I daresay, Mossad). We are told that an “investigative reporter”, Gerhard Wisnewski, has written a book entitled Jorg Haider: Accident, Murder or Assassination, claiming that the wreckage of the car shows suspicious marks and holes, that there was alcohol in his blood but not in his stomach (which is supposed to be odd), and that it is suggestive that Haider’s 2.5 tonne vehicle was an almost complete write-off.

Parts of the Austrian Right, including Haider’s wife, have seized on the contents of the book and are demanding an inquiry. There is, after all, a big political difference between a martyred hero and a drunken roadhog. In our own online comments section under the story, one may find Paul from Klagenfurt in Haider’s Carinthia invoking the Freemasons. Rick from Newcastle opts for Mossad, but doesn’t say why.

My difficulty was that I recognised the name of Gerhard Wisnewski. Knowing he had already written two books on the 9/11 “myth”, one on how the Red Army Faction was an inside job, and another entitled One Small Step? The Great Moon Hoax and the Race to Dominate Earth from Space, I couldn’t really see him coming up with a tome in which the answer was “accident”.

But it’s good fun, isn’t it? Really? Jeffery is dead, and can stuff like this be of any help to the Austrian far Right? It’s like those ludicrous programmes on Iranian official TV in which various “experts” and documentary-makers uncover the hidden message in Hollywood films. Meet the Parents, for example, is a cunning attempt to make the moviegoer sympathise with the put-upon Jew. Harry Potter is a tool that “serves to spread the dark and evil essence of Zionism and its goals”. Because the Zionists “are trying to convince viewers that because there is no easy way to distance oneself from witchcraft, Satan and the like . . . they are saying indirectly, ‘Join us’ ”. One wonders what “J.K.” in J.K. Rowling really stands for. “Jews Know”, probably.

Laugh? Someone else nearly died. Then you get a serious bit of unrest, a clamour against authoritarianism, a desire for autonomy and the conspiracy theory takes on a different shade. Since you live in Paradise full of happy people, the effort to subvert it must come from outside. Yesterday’s Uighur riots in China are all down to an exiled businesswoman called Rebiya Kadeer, according to China’s officials. And last month’s Iranian protests were drummed up by the Brits, say the spokesthings of the theocracy.

On Sunday alone the Iranian police chief said that the “BBC and the British Embassy spearheaded efforts aimed at provoking unrest and incited people to commit civil disobedience”; the judiciary chief ordered actions against foreign satellite channels “working against Iran” and threatened action against those co-operating with such channels; the head of Iran’s electoral office said that the country’s post-election unrest had been planned by Western elements months earlier.

Before that, a chief of the official Fars news agency charged the BBC with “psychological warfare”; a conservative newspaper accused the BBC’s correspondent Jon Leyne of himself setting up the fatal shooting of young Neda Agha-Soltan in Tehran, while Iran’s Ambassador to Mexico blamed her killing on the CIA. Most ominously, demonstrators bearing obvious bruising have “confessed” on television to having been influenced by the BBC and American news channels.

The drift of the pro-theocracy conspiracy theory is clear, and it bears similarities to the great Trotskyite conspiracy theory disseminated by Stalin between the Thirties and early Fifties. All those industrial accidents? Sabotage! All that grumbling? Plot! So the Iranian Government takes dissent — or even the possibility of dissent — and by waving the wand of conspiracy over it, turns it into treason. And if you believe that the world works that way, and that Ben Stiller is a Zionist shill, then it isn’t so far-fetched.

Maybe it will work, but maybe it won’t. On the website of Press TV, the Iranian English-language channel, most anti-regime comments are edited out. But some survive for a day or two. A regime apologist writes in to tell dissidents they have become “pawns in Evelyn Rothschild’s deadly little game against the Iranian people and Islamic Republic”. One replies, “That is funny! We who are grief stricken and in horror over what the Iranian government has done are puppets manipulated by someone named Evelyn? Do you drink??”

David Aaronovitch is the author of Voodoo Histories: The Role of the Conspiracy Theory in Shaping Modern History (Jonathan Cape)

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