Remember 2001, 2002 and 2003?
Remember the build up to the invasion of Iraq?
Remember being told that Iraq had WMD that could hit your back garden barbecue within 45 minutes?
Remember being told that Iraq was involved in 9/11?
Well, it all turned it out to be total bullshit, didn't it.
I knew it then.
I knew we were invading Iraq because it was part of a long range plan as laid out in the two documents Rebuilding America's Defenses and A Clean Break. I also know that the current warmongering on Iran is due to the same plan and the same people who wrote those two warmongering documents. I also know that this long range plan could not have been implemented had it not been for 9/11. And the people implementing this plan knew it too, when they wrote of transforming the USA into a military state and global war machine in Rebuilding America's Defenses, Chapter 5 entitled Creating Tomorrow's Dominant Force,
Further, the process of transformation, even if it brings revolutionary change, is likely to be a long one, absent some catastrophic and catalyzing event – like a new Pearl Harbor.
9/11 was that Pearl Harbor. They wanted and needed 9/11 to go on a global warmongering rampage, grabbing people and their natural resources, all in the name of
freedom fascism. And the authors of Rebuilding America's Defenses and A Clean Break and their like minded colleagues were all in the right place at the right time on 9/11; Secretary of Defense, Vice President, Deputy Secretary of Defense, writers for influential media and think tanks, etc.
So since September 11th 2001 our media has been a tool of propaganda supporting and propagating this agenda for global war.
Last night I watched the first part of a documentary on Vladimir Putin. It was more of a defence of Mikhail Khodorkovsky, portraying the jailbird as a saviour of freedom and democracy. So when Khodorkovsky created Open Russia, as stated in the documentary last night, who supported him?
Lord Jacob Rothschild - biggest banker in the world and thus profiteer and organiser of the current financial crisis
George Soros - Nazi collaborator, sponsor of colour revolutions and profiteer from Black Wednesday 1992
Henry Kissinger - wanted for war crimes all over the planet.
Kissinger and Soros have publicly stated that Iran will suffer as part of the Arab Spring.
For whatever reason this information was not mentioned last night.
When Litvinenko and his photogenic death were splattered all over the front pages, we were told he wasn't a British agent. Oopsadaisy! HE WAS!
When the Russians alleged that the British were using a fake rock to transmit messages for espionage, it was denied. Oopsadaisy! THEY WERE!
When we invaded Iraq we were told Iraq had WMD and was involved in 9/11. Oopsadaisy! IT WAS ALL LIES!
Tony Faustus Blair was Prime Minister from 1997 to 2007 when all this was going on. Oopsadaisy! HE NOW WORKS FOR SATAN'S BANK, JP MORGAN CHASE!
And when we waged war on Libya last year we were told there were no British boots on the ground. Oopsadaisy! THERE WERE!
The implication from the documentary on Putin last night, and it was an implication without proof, was that he allowed the sale and purchase of Russian oil, with a little corruption, so that Russian oil didn't end up in the hands of The City of London and Wall Street. And yes, that's the same City of London and Wall Street that has engineered the current financial crisis, financed and still propagates eugenics, engineered two world wars and the two genocidal tryants Hitler and Stalin, and other tyrants such as Mao, and all the other ills that have plagued the peaceful development of the human race.
I am sure that Putin didn't do 9/11, and never would.
I am sure that Putin didn't engineer a global financial crisis, and never would.
And I am sure that Putin hasn't taken Russia on a global warmongering rampage, and never would, a rampage which at the least will result in the looting of massive oil and gas reserves for a satanic cabal but could very easily lead to a WW3 that would satisfy a plan for three world wars proposed 150 years ago by a Freemasonic sicko (and we all know who runs Freemasonry).
F is for fascism.
P is for propaganda.
Goebbels would have been pleased with The Military Wives and Wherever You Are at Christmas 1942 when the Nazis were struggling to take Stalingrad. He wouldn't have been displeased with Putin, Russia and the West last night.