But why?
The original aim of such brutality and heartlessness was for war on the USSR.
But how did the USSR evolve?
The USSR was a product of the Bolshevik Revolution, or to be more accurate the Bolshevik Re-revolution, a plot that can be undoubtedly attributed to the Rothschilds and Warburgs with financial and moral support from Jacob Schiff, which replaced the Russian monarchy, and subsequent significant assistance from Great Britain and the USA, as Stalin recognised in a comment to Averell Harriman.
So the USA created the USSR? Hell, yeah! But it gets even madder and nuttier than that! Because the USA also gave Stalin the bomb, as recorded by Major George Jordan in his diaries.
But why?
Because it all fits into a plan for three world wars proposed by Freemasonic sicko Albert Pike.
In that plan Communism was to be empowered before and during WW2 but then held in check, as it was with wars in Korea and Vietnam, and by NATO in Europe.
Zionism was then to be empowered and supported to create a war with Islam, and it has through the creation of Israel and the current drive for war on everything, democracy included, since the highly suspicious and fortuitous (for some) 9/11.
New Atlantis was written around 1620 to 1630 by Francis Bacon. It portrayed what is now known as the Uinted States of America as a utopia ruled by a scientific college who knew what was best.
Today the USA is driving us to the edge of a world war 3 that, if realised, will result in a global fascist dictatorship.
The American Revolution that allegedly separated the American colonies from Great Britain was supposed to bring freedom and democracy to the colonists.
Today Americans, and indeed anyone on this planet, can be arrested, detained, tortured, killed and "disappeared" by the USA, and as John Pilger correctly points out is now waging a global war on democracy.
Colonists went to America wanting to create a utopia, to worship their God, but over the decades they used and supported slavery, and ethnically cleansed the American Indians, herding them into reservations which could not sustain them, and claimed the natural resources such as gold as their own.
It's amazing what people will do if they think they are doing good. The religious wars, with all the blood and guts and torture, are a classic example of this, and more recent filmed psychological experiments show this too.
So how can I succinctly explain the conspiracy to wage a global war on democracy in the name of democracy? That old familiar inverted, irregular and incomplete pentagram pointing down into the White House.
[1] The World War on Democracy, http://www.johnpilger.com/articles/the-world-war-on-democracy
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