Friday, May 27, 2016


In the following message to Donald Trump, Infowhore Alex Jones suggests that Trump could be the next George Washington:

But Trump is the product of a child-murdering-and-abusing network of the CIA and the mob!!

I don't think George Washington would be happy to be compared to El Trumpo. Do you?

And anyway, Jones has betrayed Washington and all the other American revolutionaries of 1776.


By propagating the myth of Andrew Jackson that Jackson believed in small government, slew the bankers and brought great times to America.

The sad truth is that Jackson:
1. was one of the largest slaveholders in the country, and would have his slaves beaten, one died from such a beating;
2. organised a raid on Spanish territory in order to recapture fugitive slaves and return them to their former slavery;
3. was the Godfather of the Confederacy through this love of slavery, admitting Texas into the Union, and then kicking off the forced removal of native Americans out of states like Georgia to make way for more white European settlers to build plantations to be worked by slaves;
4. was involved in a treasonous plot with Aaron Burr, who escaped to England and stayed with the chief of British Intelligence Jeremy Bentham for several years;
5. upon his return to America, Burr hooked up with Martin van Buren, and together the two of them began to promote Jackson for the Presidency;
6. when he became President Jackson began to attack the Second Bank of the United States, which was building a stable but growing economy, but Jackson saw otherwise and illegally removed federal funds from the BUS2 and placed them in his 'pet banks' which were selected not because of their banking expertise but for their loyalty to Jackson. This led to those banks going on a credit expansion rampage, causing a speculation bubble like in 2007, which Jackson burst with his Specie Circular, thus causing the 1837 Panic;
7. and to top it all off, it was Jackson who gave the Rothschilds their big break by appointing them agents for the US in Europe.

Thus, Jackson embodided everything that Washington et al fought against.

How dare Jones compare Trump to Washington!!

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