Friday, May 17, 2019


Captain Milkshake almost daily re-tweets Ezra Levant's fawning adoring tweets drooling over Captain Milkshake.

It's a queer relationship those two have. In 2014 Israel engineered a war on Gaza, and killed 500 or so children in Gaza. Captain Milkshake was not quite outraged but in a video mocked Israel's "right to defend itself" after Israel shelled and killed 4 children for the horrific crime of playing football on the beach. Meanwhile, Levant organised a rally in Calgary in support of this infanticide by Israel.

So in 2016 you'd think these two, Levant and Milkshake, would be sworn enemies. Right?


They laughed and joked and looked lovingly into each other's eyes. Coz Trump.

And that love-in is still there, as shown by Levant's adoration of Captain Milkshake, and Captain Milkshake almost daily re-tweets of Levant.

But does Captain Milkshake know just how cosy Levant is with the signatory to the PNAC Statement of Principles Daniel Pipes?

Apparently next month they're both sailing down the Danube together with Captain Milkshake's mate Tommy Robinson.

In the following Pipes has a go at the Austrian and German media.

But as a signatory to the PNAC Statement of Principles was he outraged when after 9/11 (which Captain Milkshake knows was done by Israel with Saudi help) the U S media, both left and right, demanded war on Iraq and no WMDs have been found?

Er, nope.

Pipes was one of the key influential Zionists who pushed for war on Iraq.

Pipes = key Zionist warmonger
Levant = Zionist and supporter of infanticide
Watson = extreme rightist Zionist U S Military Intelligence sell-out and is top, top mates with Tommy Robinson

So we've got Pipes->Levant->Watson->?

Now. Who is ?

? = anyone who calls or has called Watson a m8.

Remember that tweet I posted a few weeks ago when all the next generation of Zionist social media agents were having some kind of conference? They were all there: Jacob Wohl; Mike Cernovich; and one Paul Joseph Watson.

That bastard made a fortune from first writing a book blaming 9/11 and global terror on the NWO and their intels, but after selling out to them now blames leftists, muslims and immigrants.

And now we have this PNAC->Levant->Watson link.

It's all there.

And it's all here on TTS.

Watson in bed with PNAC and Roger Stone. Not looking good for some. Who would want to be a reporter or source for Summit News after all this?

Sell-out on 9/11. Roger Stone. PNAC. War.

Here's who Pipes really is. Almost as horrific as Roy Cohn?

Daniel Pipes

It's Amatuer Hour at Bummit News.

...Ezra Levant of Canada is a brilliant conservative and an eloquent critic of the left. He’s indefatigable and successful; Rebel Media, which he founded in February 2015, has more than 1 million YouTube subscribers. Of his many concerns, such as “ethical oil,” Mr. Levant most worries about the threat of Islamism.

Our common outlook means we often cooperate, and he recently invited me to join a Rebel Media cruise on the Danube River in June 2019, which I accepted. It makes roughly equidistant daily trips, beginning with two towns in Germany (Regensburg, Passau), then four in Austria (Linz, Melk, Durnstein, Vienna), one in Slovakia (Bratislava), and one in Hungary (Budapest).

[source : Daniel Pipes, 'German and Austrian media outrage me', Washington Times,, 18th September 2018]

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