Monday, May 10, 2021


From 19th May Austrians will once again be able to go to a restaurant for a meal. Currently restaurants can only serve takeaway food.

But in order to eat in a restaurant you must:

  1. show evidence of a vaccination, or evidence of antibodies, or evidence of a negative PCR test taken in the 72 hours before the visit;
  2. provide your contact details;
  3. wear a FFP2 mask when not sat at your table.

This is basically the Covid passport but without the Covid passport.

With a Covid passport the system would record where you are and at what time and for how long. This is the same as providing your details on paper because the paper would record not just your contact details but also the time you arrived and the time you departed and the table at which you sat.

And they call this "opening up"!

It's all. A load. Of bollocks. 

And to show how paranoid it is in Austria, several supermarkets were recently raided by police during opening hours to check if customers were wearing FFP2 masks and maintaining the required distances. Shopping trolleys filled with food were confiscated.

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