Saturday, June 12, 2021


So Freedom Day has been postponed for 4 weeks.

Why? I have no idea, other than Dogger Johnson is deliberately trying to destroy the lives of the good British people who have been terrified by a complicit media into ceding their freedom and rights over a virus which is not much worse than a bad flu.

Just checkout these numbers from the UK gubmint's Coronavirus website here.  

As of 10th June 2021 there were 1089 suspected Covid hospitalisations, with 158 on ventilation.

On 8th June 2021 in the whole of the UK just 187 were admitted to hospital suspected of infection with Covid-19.

These are small numbers of people, and we don't even know how these compare to flu admissions from the previous 5 years. Or the ages of the admissions, Or if they already have serious underlying health conditions. Or what the current admissions for flu are. Or what the cycle count is, if PCR was used to test.

The media try to terrify by claiming cases are soaring by 40% in a week.

But a case is not a hospitalisation, and hospitalisations are very small.

Yet Dogger Johnson is going to drive many businesses into bankruptcy or closure.


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