Thursday, July 21, 2022


Some guy just phoned into Alex and accused Alex of working for the Jews.

Alex denied this, and asked the guy to provide evidence.

The guy offered little concrete evidence.

So Alex went on a rant about his family history.

During such unscripted ad hoc rants Alex frequently spills some beans, and tonight the takeaway bean is that Alex is a direct descendent of Lieutenant colonel Travis of Alamo fame. The Alamo was a bunch of Texas revolutionaries fighting the Army of Mexico. But what was the revolution about? SLAVERY!

Mexico wanted to outlaw slavery, so the white European settlers in Mexico who wanted to preserve slavery rebeled against Mexico and formed the Republic of Texas, whose constitution is one of the most racist, white supremacist documents you will ever read. Colonel Travis fought and died at The Alamo to preserve slavery. Alex also confessed again that ancestors on both sides of his parents formed the racist, slavery-loving Republic of Texas. Alex has previously confessed that his ancestors worked for and with British agent Andrew Jackson who worked for the admission of Texas into the Union, only for Texas to secede to preserve slavery in the U S Civil War, and that Alex's ancestors fought at the rank of colonel and general in The Confederate Army to preserve slavery. Jackson was the Godfather of the Confederacy.

If I was Alex I would not be proud of this at all.

But what kicked off this latest rant was the guy who accused Alex of working for the Jews.

Alex denied this.

But sadly, Alex does. Or at least did. And once you do then how can you stop and leave as if nothing happened?

I remember Christmas Day and Boxing Day 2016. The headline on Infowars was, "Ten times God punished America for turning from Israel", or something like that. The punishments were portrayed as biblical floods, etc. This was because Obama had decided to criticise Israel at the UNSC.

But the most convincing evidence that Alex sold out to the perps of 9/11, Israel, is a fantastic video by Adam Green of Know More News which shows in Alex's own words and the words of Jerome Corsi how Alex and Infowars sold out to Israel. Youtube took the video down.

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