Tuesday, September 19, 2023


Icke claims to be here to save us, and that spirit guides would be helping him to achieve this.

He was told that one guide is called Rakorsky (spellings vary, eg Rakorzci) who at one time had incarnated as Joseph, the father of Jesus Christ.

But Icke initially stated that he regularly conversed with Jesus Christ, but a few years later declared that Jesus Christ was a myth.

If Icke really does have spirit guides in the ether then why did they not guide him to The Daily Mail of 12th July 2020 to find that the cause of the excess deaths of that terrible year were due to Midazolam? And why did Jacqui Deevoy only tell Icke about the use of DNRs the day AFTER the killer vaccines had been rolled out on 8th December 2020?

Armed with the Midazolam and DNR revelations Icke would no doubt have been able to stop the roll-out of the killer vaccines. The lives of millions would have been saved.


  1. if Jesus Christ is a myth then who or what was Icke conversing with, and what did they talk about, and why?
  2. why did Icke's spirit guides allow him to make a complete arse of himself in 2020 and 2021 by blaming 5G for the excess deaths, when the facts were there: The Daily Mail exposed Midazolam in July 2020; and Jacqui Deevoy had known about DNRs for months before telling Icke;
  3. if Icke's spirit guides do not exist in the ether then who or what has been guiding him?


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