Sunday, June 23, 2024


Do you find it odd that the UK would join a trade pact on t'other side of the world which will be dominated by the alleged sworn enemy of the UK: China?

I don't.

You have to go back to Bilderberg 2011 and 2012. Why? Because these are the only 2 years when China has attended Bilderberg. And it was the same 2 people both years. And they have not been arrested and executed for treason by China. Indeed, they have actually been promoted in Chinese society! Which suggests that their attendance at Bilderberg was on official Chinese government business.

So, what is going on?

Well, shortly after these clandestine meetings The City of London started its Renminbi Initiative, which was designed to make The City of London the main hub for trade in the Renminbi outside of mainland China.

And at the same time, Bilderberg and CIA agent Rupert Murdoch began to promote Nigel Farage and Brex-shit.   

In 2016 the UK, misled by lies from the leave campaign, voted by a narrow margin to leave the EU.

Then in late 2019 there were rumours that a deadly virus had originated in Wuhan, China.

There was a rush to produce a vaccine. Several vaccines, based on an untested mRNA technology, were given emergency authorisation and injected into the arms of the willing populations of the USA and the EU. China, on the other hand did not do this, but instead locked down very hard. 

The UK, having abandoned the EU and the USA, has also joined the CPTPP which is dominated by China, even though China is not yet a member, because all members of the CPTPP have major trade with China.

So, we have:

  1. China attends Bilderberg in 2011/2;
  2. The City of London then starts their Renminbi Initiative;
  3. Murdoch promotes Farage and Brex-shit;
  4. President Xi goes on a state visit to London in 2015 to toast the success of the Renminbi Initiative with Queen Elizabeth II;
  5. The UK is lied into leaving the EU in 2016;
  6. just as the UK formally leaves the EU a deadly virus is reported to have come out of China, so the EU and USA rush to inject their citizens with an unproven vaccine which is based on untested mRNA technology;
  7. the UK joins the CPTPP which is dominated by China.

We also now have a pact forming between China and Russia over Ukraine.

Now, David Icke is claiming that the transfer of global power, from the west to the east, is all planned.

I believe this to be true.

But what would be the consequences for The City of London if after this transfer of power the UK was still in the EU?

There seems to be an alliance of China and The City of London. Why else would China make The City of London the banker of the Renminbi? It is no coincidence that China is the alleged source of the virus which is alleged to have originated in Wuhan, when Brit Peter Daszak was working with them.


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