Monday, September 16, 2024


Trump is a Zionist, and brags that he is the biggest Zionist on the planet.

In 2016 he said he would expose 9/11.

He didn't 

Israel's fingerprints are all over 9/11.

9/11 led to decades, not just years, DECADES of war, which are still ongoing. There was a plan for 7 nations to be taken out after 9/11. Of the 6 named by General Wesley Clark only Iran has not been attacked or destabilised.

Trump has protected this warmongering. He even tried to provoke war with Iran by assassinating General Soleimani!

Estimates are of at least $6 TRILLION has been spent on these wars.

Trump also unleashed the killer vaccines.

The very, very top of the globalists have their preferences.

But if they cannot assassinate Trump for Harria/Obama then he will do: Trump has proved his subservience and loyalty to them.

The preference of the NWO is obviously for Harris, maybe Big Mike.

But remember: Trump's daughter Ivanka is a WEF Young Global Leader. And Trump covered up 9/11 and he launched the killer vaccines.

Ain't if funny that these assassination attempts have failed.

JFK was whacked at the 1st attempt.

Ditto RFK.

Ditto Lincoln.

Ditto McKinley.

And ditto FDR?

It's almost as if they're unleashing amateurs to take out Trump... 

As long as Trump supports Israel and British agent Andrew Jackson he will be to me an asset of the NWO. Maybe not with the opinions the NWO hierarchy want at this moment, but he has proved his loyalty, and on the topics he disagrees with them he can be brought to heel. Maybe Ivanka will suffer a business catastrophe? Or Melania is exposed as a paedophile?

Trump covered up 9/11.

Trump launched the killer vaccines.

Factions. Factions. Factions.

The word of the day: faction.



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