Thursday, January 09, 2025


President Andrew Jackson is one of Alex Jones' heroes. Donald J Trump is another hero of Jones.

Jones flogs a book entitled, The Creature from Jekyll Island, by G Edward Griffin, which is considered a bible of conspiracy theory as it delves into the creation of The Federal Reserve. Griffin portrays Jackson as a saint and a hero of the people for destroying The Second Bank of The United States.

Turns out that Jackson was one of the worst scum to have ever walked the Earth!

First, Alex claims with glee and pride that his ancestors worked for and with Jackson. This is crucial because this is likely why Jones has made Jackson a hero of his.

This is not something to be proud of.

So, on to Jackson. 

Jackson loved slavery.

Jackson was one of the largest and most powerful slaveholders of his time, 'owning' 300 slaves over several plantatioms. One of Jackson's slaves, called Gilbert, was whipped to death  after he was caught trying to run away. 

Jackson organised a raid on Negro Fort, which had become a sanctuary for runaways and Seminoles. The raid was to capture the runaways and return them to their 'rightful' owners in Georgia. Jackson did not join the raid, he only organised the raid. The leader of the raid fired cannon into the fort, which hit the fort's arsenal and blew the fort to smithereens, killing all men, women and children inside.

Jackson began the forced removal of native Americans from their ancestral lands to west of the Mississippi river. This is known as The Trail of Tears, during which tens of thousands of native Americans died. The ancestral lands were in soon-to-be Confederate states such as Georgia. Those ancestral lands were then sold to planters who built plantations which were worked by slaves. 

Now, Alex is also proud to claim that his ancestors helped to create the slave state of Texas in 1836. Texas was formed by white European settlers in Mexico who rebelled against Mexico after Mexico banned slavery. So the white European settlers in Mexico, many of whom owned slaves, rebelled to carve out of Mexico their own state which would permit slavery. Jackson lobbied for the admittance of the slave state of Texas into the United States.

Thus Jackson is the Godfather of the Confederacy.

But it gets worse.

Jackson was a traitor for the British against The United States.

Aaron Burr assassinated Alexander Hamilton after Hamilton had exposed Burr's treason against The United States. Burr hid at Jackson's plantation, where he and Jackson plotted more treason. Burr then fled to Great Britain where he stayed with top British Intelligence agent Jeremy Bentham.

Jackson was surrounded by British agents and sympathisers who encouraged him to torpedo The Second Bank of The United States (BUS2). Supporters of Jackson like to claim that Jackson paid off the debt. Yes, he did. But only the last few dollars. All the hard work had been done by Nicholas Biddle, who Jackson attacked. 

Once President, Jackson withdrew all Federal funds from BUS2 and gave those funds to his mates and cronies who owned and/or ran their own banks. These banks were known as Jackson's Pet Banks. So what did those banks do with all those Federal funds? THEY TOTALLY SQUANDERED THE FUNDS! They created a credit bubble, which burst, and led to an economic crisis.

This led to the south becoming more dependent on slavery because there was less money for economic development.

With the south dependent on slavery, thanks to Jackson, the British then sent their top agent Giuseppe Mazzini to north America to lobby AGAINST slavery.

Thus the British divided the United States, and set the north against the south, using slavery as the wedge issue, in an attempt to weaken The United States because the likes of Biddle had successfully managed the central bank of The Unted States to create The United States into a major rival to Great Britain. The evidence is that Biddle was about to pay off the national debt when Jackson took over and gave Federal funds to his cronies who squandered it all.

Lincoln saw this British plot and defeated it. In revenge the British assassinated Lincoln through a plot run out of British Canada.

With The United States surviving this attempt at its destruction, economic alliances were formed between The Unted States, Russia, Germany and France to develop land-based trade routes based on rail beyond the control  of the powerful British Royal Navy. This encouraged economic development beyond the control of the British.

This set the scene for World War 1, during which the British tried to destroy Germany, Russia and France by having them fight each other , to eventually create a world government which the British would control with The United States as the muscular enforcer.

So, if Jones, who claims he knows all history, and that he has excellent analytical skills, can get his hero Jackson SOOOOOOO wrong, then what else is he getting wrong? 

Musk? Yep.

Trump? Yep.

Alex rants against the WEF, yet Trump's daughter Ivanka is a WEF Young Global Leader!

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