Friday, June 22, 2007


This is absolutely ridiculous!

Before siezing 15 Brits Iran had earlier tried the same trick but on Australian forces.

So what do we do? Send 15 of our military to board and search a boat in disputed waters without air protection, without any protection whatsoever, miles away from their ship and out of view, and then throw our hands up in the air and blame Iran!

As with the kidnapping of two Israeli soldiers last year on the border with Lebanon, this siezure by Iran of 15 Brits in disputed waters also looks like a contrived event. The Israel/Lebanon contrived event did lead to war. Thankfully, despite Blair's stubbornness the contrived event in March did not.


Iran 'unable to take Australians'
By Frank Gardner
BBC News security correspondent

Northern Gulf

Iranian naval forces in the Gulf tried to capture an Australian Navy boarding team but were vigorously repelled, the BBC has learned.

The incident took place before Iran successfully seized 15 British sailors and Marines in March.

The lessons from the earlier attempt do not appear to have been applied in time by British maritime patrols.


wheatgerm said...

Iran is a rogue state

me said...

Iran is named in "A Clean Break" as a target for Israeli pre-emptive aggression. Most of what was proposed in "A Clean Break" has occured, although not always exactly to the letter, but near enough for it to be more than just "coincidence".

I also read Iran does not have a central bank that is controlled by the Rothchilds.

Who controls the monetary system in Canada?