While on the subject of the McCanns, the innuendo and rumours coming out of Portugal could be a warning to them to drop their campaign and research into child abduction across the world. If so, by promoting the microchip agenda the NWO fools have created global empathy for a family who are on a quest to find out what happened, not only to their daughter, but to the abducted children of other families.
And if they find the truth about who is really behind that and who protects them, then bodies will swing from trees and lampposts.
Hence the demoralising anonymous accusations in the Portuguese media.
I will once again state my deep suspicion at the timing of the abduction of Madeleine McCann. Dangerous allegations surrounding 7/7 were beginning to surface at the time, and they were gaining momentum, not just in the conspiraloonosphere but also the national media. They had to be stopped.
Hence Madeleine?
I dunno.
But who could be behind all this?
Child abudction.
Kids shooting kids.
Youths beating a father to death.
And all the other crap that goes on?
And how could it be encouraged?
Below is that inverted, irregular and incomplete pentagram immediately north of the

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