Monday, April 14, 2008


We know for a fact that the news is controlled by the New World Order.

But who is it exactly that makes the decisions as to what is reported or referred to? What are their names and addresses? How are they paid? Who appoints them? What are they like? Are they nasty, beyond-redemption, self-loathing little bastards without any emotion?

Or are they really kind, caring people who are really just a little paranoid and fearful of losing their own jobs, and all they want is a little cuddle from their boss to reassure them that their job is safe?

Take for instance today on

There is this article. "Are you about to get fired? Know your redundancy rights" which takes you to

Why would someone put that up on such a widely accessed webpage?

Are they trying to instill fear in you, making you feel very insecure so you work even harder to pay back money that doesn't even exist to a bunch of warmongering bankers?

Or are they perhaps fearful of losing their own job, for lack of results perhaps?

Does anyone know who decides what kinds of news articles are published?

Who has the power to find out, and what is the process?

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