Monday, September 15, 2008


You may think that you have zero influence over what is taught at university, but I think it is possible that we could begin to exercise some influence. This is necessary because the students of today are the teachers of tomorrow.

How about awarding a prize for the best conspiracy essay?

Or donating your conspiracy books to your local university?

The libraries of the universities I've been to are not well stocked at all with books by Antony C Sutton or Larouche/EIR or anyone else in the same category. I believe every library should contain such books, or at the least should have easy access to such books. The internet does give some access, but even today we hear a call from the creator of the 'net that sites should be filtered. He may have been talking about the scaremongering over the hadron collider experiment last week, but we know how claims can be twisted and spun and taken out of context, so that before you know it only government approved sites are allowed, sites that claim Iraq really did have WMD and Israel is not an apartheid state and the government of the USA is a government of the people, for the people, by the people.

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